Police man that killed Michael Brown?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Weed'420, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. im a 6'2 290 pound man so id react like a man, i wouldnt blow his fucking brains out threw the top of his head. maybe completely destroy his legs with 4 or 5 rounds but thats not killing a man, all im saying is cops need to try non-lethal avenues before 2 the chest and 1 to the head. 

    I have a concealed carry permit..they don't teach you to maime or injure.
    If you can't safely escape the situation, it's center mass, empty your clip. That's the training for cops and for regular people in the concealed carry classes.
  3. which is fucked. I wish I could see the numbers on the amount of people with ccw thats shoot because in the moment they think it was the only option, when in related it was the only option they wanted to see. I know im going to catch hella flack for this but i dont think citizens need guns, It leads to bullshit. 
    but this isnt even the argument i brought into this thread. My original point was that him not being persecuted was another nail in the coffin that is african americans trust in the justice system. 
  4. I don't see how OC or a baton would not have been a viable option for him considering he had already shot the guy.
    Why is it fucked? I said it before and I'll say it again; if you're safe enough to shoot for the legs and hope it works, you're not in a situation where you need to be firing your gun. 
  6. Cops don't just have guns they gave tazers and OC mace oh and a baton that is thick and strong enough to break bones. So im sorry but everyone saying AIM FOE THAT CENTA MASS AND KILL THAT MOFUCKER are dead wrong. What about okay he's not listening to my warning let's get out my tazer that can put anyone on their ass and cuff him. Their ya go arrest made kid isn't dead and you can charge him for theft resisting and whatever else you wanna ruin his life with instead of ending it. I'm so fucking sick of people saying that the only defence a cop has is his gun. Please tell me I'm wrong
  7. Lol at the 18 year old white kid who thinks getting pulled over in the sports car mommy and daddy gave him is equivilant to being black and systematically discriminated against for centuries...

    Why didn't police dust Darren Wilson's gun for fingerprints?
    Why didn't any interviewers take notes when first talking to Darren Wilson?
    Why wasn't Darren Wilson charged with tampering with evidence for washing blood off his hands without getting a sample or at least having a picture taken?
    Why weren't any police pictures taken for evidence?

    Mike Brown may not have been an angel, but he didn't deserve to die. This situation isn't just about that shooting, its about a severely racist police department/population in the deep south that still, to this day, makes black people cringe and say a small prayer when being approached by a policeman.
  8. Their wasnt a single fucking part about this murder case that went by the book. It was just anither cop getting away with muder. If you go to McDonalds and your order gets made wrong we are all first in line to Bitch and moan but when a cop doesn't do his job the right way meh who cares. Its fucking disgusting and just proves once more the US is turning into a police state and I'm ashamed to say I'm american.
  9. tell the cops that, if they knew the line between "safe enough to not shoot" and "this man needs to be stopped ASAP" we wouldnt be having this conversation. nor would any of this have happened
    threads like this are why i hate gun people,  Ive never met a single person who likes gun, that id trust with one Those smart enough to be around them, dont want to be. 
  10. Wilson is 6'2 220 and a policeman he should be able to hold his own
    So he's not allowed to defend a threat to his life with lethal force because of your perception that he should be big enough to just... what... duke it out? 
    Real life doesn't play out like the movies 
  12. No but there was no reason to kill the kid from 30ft away...
    Unless the "kid" started charging at him.... 
  14. Young adult my bad, which he definitely wasn't charging at him. Wtf just cause the guy was big doesn't mean he can just shrug off bullets like they were snowflakes
    "definitely wasn't charging at him"?
    Hey if you've got evidence to say he definitely wasn't, then I'm sure the grand jury would have loved to hear from you 
  16. Lol too late for that don't you think?
    Yes, I'm just wondering where you came up with the idea that he "definitely" didn't. Based on what? Why are you so positive? :confused: 
  18. Don't remember but I know irs creditable. I'm not super super into the case though so hey you may be right. At the end of the day poor kid(young adult) regardless a life (although not completely innocent) was lost
    lol yeah ok... don't remember but I should just take your word for it :hide: 

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