Anonymous Hackers Attack Cleveland Police After Cop Shoots 12-yr-old Boy to Death on Playground

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by QualiD, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. Cop shoots 12 year old playing with toy gun.
  2. As I said I do not why they make it removable
  3. Yea, like that
  4. #24 iAmBetty, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    You can easily break it off. It's just plastic
  5. I get that. I just wonder if cops realize whether they are supposed to protect people or protect themselves while they make money. In a kinda, sorta situation, where you "might" be shot... You're a full grown adult with methods at your disposal.., and you still choose to open fire..., all I'm saying is my sort of ideal cop is one who knows that shooting the kid = killing the kid, and as a protector of the people, you should try to always find an alternative to killing a kid.
  6. the original distress call should tell one all they need to know
    any details past that point are moulded to fit either side's narratives
  7. Alot of kids do carry guns though...  especially in my area.
  8. I think the cop was protecting the people, and himself too. But what he was seeing was a kid with a gun on a playground. His priority was protecting the other people on the playground. There is no scenario where a 12 year old on a playground with a gun is a good thing.

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