Anonymous Hackers Attack Cleveland Police After Cop Shoots 12-yr-old Boy to Death on Playground

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by QualiD, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. \tAnonymous Hackers Attack Cleveland Police After Cop Shoots 12-yr-old Boy to Death on Playground

  2. #2 iAmBetty, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2014
    The kid had a toy gun that looked very real. They say out your hands up and instead he reaches for the gun..

    Some people weren't meant to live a long time.

    I can't stand Anonymous sometimes
  4. #4 iAmBetty, Nov 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2014
  5. Police should be trained to pull their tazers instead of their guns more if the person is right in front if them

    He was 12 and probably scared.

    He could have easily been pulling it to show it is a fake gun not realizing they would shoot him.
  6. 12 year olds aren't retarded.. Most aren't. You still raise your hands, and with your hands raised say the gun is fake.

    Maybe I'm being too harsh. I've been saying for a while that they need to make it more obvious that toy guns are toys.
  7. I fucking hate Anonymous.
    I wasn't taking a side, I was merely adding more information.
  9. Ah. Wasn't sure there.
  10. I only get sad when kids die
  11. #11 Nerd139, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    You are being too harsh

    Lots of kids dont know too much of police procedure. He's 12 and got scared they might hurt him so he probably pulled it to give it to them.

    As for toy guns they do make it obvious. In the case off BB they are supposed to have an orange tip. I just dont know why they make it removable.
  12. Maybe we should all remember to teach our kids what to do then. **Do what the cop says** or anyone with a gun pointed at you. Follow their orders, wait until they're calm and their guns are down, THEN explain yourself. All you have to do is cooperate.

    They could do more than an orange tip. I saw I picture of the gun.. Didn't look too obvious.
  13. Orange is easy to see and people like realistic looking BB's
  14. I don't think anything Anonymous does is going to help after the fact. But I've said it before and I stand by it... We don't need police officers who so easily fear for their lives that situations like this happen. The gun, the tazer.. These should be tools that are FIRST used to save the lives of others and not themselves. Is being a police officer not putting your life in stead of the people? I think I would rather be shot by a child then to shoot one under most conditions.

    On the flip side. Dumbass parents shouldn't be giving twelve yr olds any sort of rifle or pistol, airsoft or otherwise. The distinctions between a real and fake gun should be easier to distinguish as well.

    The whole situation is fucked on at all angles but that does not simply absolve the officer.
  15. #15 iAmBetty, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    But the Orange comes off, and of its a realistic BB gun.. have common sense? Be aware that people might not realize it's not a regular gun right away and will react accordingly.
  16. So another trigger happy psycho shoots a kid. And because he's cop not a thing will happen to him.

    What the fuck America.
  17. Way to over simplify things
  18. #18 QualiD, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    where I used to live in Oregon, I could pick 10 random boys/girls from the middle school and guarentee 8/10 have their own (real) gun and 9/10 have shot guns/gone hunting before.  A toy is a toy. The kid was probably trying to act cool for his friends in this situation, and his gun wasn't even real. Airsoft / BB has been around for a very long time and kids have always used them. This is one of those isolated incidents where someone called 9-1-1 for suspicious activity, and instead of disarming a potentially deadly situation like a skilled and professional officer would have, the send in a rookie cop who blasts the kid away in 2 shots. Who is in the wrong here? The department that trained the idiot, the idiot that sent that idiot, or the idiot himself for firing?
  19. Don't worry man. Anonymous will bring about justice by taking their site down for a few hours. That'll sure show them!
  20. Fuck anonymous, I'd burn this guy at the stake. 2 wrong don't make a right but sure as fuck the next guy will think before he pulls the trigger.

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