Energy drinks not so bad?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by yurigadaisukida, Nov 24, 2014.

  1. The problem is that not everyone reacts to these things the same way. People often do not stick with one or even two – they notice that they are tired, drink an energy drink and still feel tired, immediately down another one. That is not healthy or productive behavior in the slightest. 

  2. right. But my origional argument was that if you moderate, then there is no bad.

    It is hypothetically possible to drink a small ammount of energy drink or a large ammount of tea.

  3. Well. I think the REAL problem, is self control.

    Yes these giant evil corperations like to make money on our weakness. Our addictive tendencies.

    So its their fault we knowingly have no self control?

    Its not like a secret that drinking 2 energy drinks a day is extremely bad for you.

  4. Well that's why they package their productive in bright colours. Ever notice that fast food joints have loud, bright colours like red and yellow to attract attention? IT's just like the tobacco companies targeting kids to get hooked on cigarettes, these energy drinks target teenagers who don't know better, have less self-discipline and want to fit in.
  5. Coffee used to irritate my stomach to. Thing is I needed that shit in the morning to get stuff done. I've been an affiliate with this company called Veema. They have I believe one of the healthiest energy drinks out there and I'm addicted to there new coffee brand "Mojoe".

    Attached Files:

  6. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be that simple or easy for everyone. Despite exercising, stretching, meditating some, eating a healthy diet (veggies grown organically fresh from the backyard), etc, I've still needed energy drinks to make it through work. I find Monster energy drinks work best for me. Better than any other energy drink and better than coffee and tea.
    Where did you get those numbers? The caffeine amounts for coffee are different that I've seen from any site I've visited. I've always seen 80-150 or 80-200 per 8oz. Here are some links:

    If you buy good coffee, you don't need any milk, cream, or sugar.
    I've never noticed having any withdrawal or negative effects from energy drinks or caffeine in general, when I have quit it. I also didn't notice sleeping any better (at least not significantly better/barely noticeable).
    should the producers have some responsibility here?
    can they make safe and effective drinks that give you enough energy... or is it simply a matter of profits? 
  8. I feel it would work for everybody as well as it works for are you exersize habits?
  9. #29 RAWGLOR, Dec 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2014
    Currently I've been too sore and tired most of the time for exercising, so all I'm doing for exercise is firewood (cutting up trees, loading and unloading a truck).
    The job I've had for the last 6-7 years is a physical job with a lot of walking and other work. That often times ends up being most of my exercise. It's only part time (3-4 days a week). I've tried different routines for exercising though. I have tried 15-20 minutes of walking every day for a couple of months. But I've never noticed much benefit from light cardio.
    The thing that gets in the way is sleep. I don't sleep well and I don't heal up nearly as quick as I should. It can take me a week to recover from a full body workout.
    I once did 20-34 minutes a day of a mix of low, moderate, and high intensity cardio on an exercise bike for about 2 months. Although I had to stop due to my body not being able to handle it and getting minor injuries, it did give me more energy, reduced my depression, and got rid of 8 pounds of fat (and I didn't even limit my caloric intake). Honestly I really enjoyed it and wish I could do it every day.
  10. Caffeine, or more to the point, the amount of caffeine is the major problem. Caffeine is a toxin. Your brain and heart despise the stuff. Constant OVERUSE of the stuff will eventually cause you problems. All the other ingredients are just carriers and flavorings ...the caffeine is the key.
  11. I feel like you can't go wrong with Monster Lo I love those things
  12. well its about choice and knowledge to make an informed choice.

    They shouldn't be banned from selling or making them. Its voluntary. Like cigarettes

    There are sugar free ( which are also sodium free ) versions....  And if the person didn't get the sugar from the Energy Drink they would've gotten it from Soda.  Now Sugar-Free versions bring us to the subject of artificial sweeteners, which is a very controversial subject.  I personally don't drink anything with the fecal matter of E. Coli ( Aspartame. )  But the Monster I just bought has Acesulfame potassium.  I haven't read anything Too bad about it, as I have with Aspartame.  
    That brings us to Moderation. That is the key.  Obviously it is bad to abuse Energy Drinks.  It is bad to abuse anything.
    Now Coffee, is Different.  It is mostly water, but it is actually very good for you.  Lots of Anti-oxidants. 
    Caffeine?  It's safe.  But everyone is different on how they handle it.
  14. they certainly don't package them for 2servings once you open it you will drink it all because you cant close it back up
  15. Bluebudz some of those energy drinks come in giant cans now with screw on tops so a person could reseal it. :confused_2:
    The sugar in most of these drinks is bad because of the type a sugar it is. It is the cheapest most refined shit the companies can get. That makes it bad for your body.
    As for the sugar free kinds. Artificial sweetners kill off the good bacteria in your gut. Your gut is where your body makes happy juice. 95% of the seratonin produced in your body is produced here so when your gut is not working properly you feel down. Thats why people feel bad when they eat food that is bad for them.
    Just my...
    It's also bad if it is the wrong kind of sugar.
    When we hike I make ours and we never feel tired or dehydrated like you would from energy drinks at the store.
    so it's kinda like vodka... yeah? a couple of shots is alright, but if you drink half a liter a day, it'll probably send you to the hospital. 
    if not today... then soon enough.
    i had no idea that there were that many cases of hospitalization from energy drinks (and apparently there are links to deaths?). i would think that if it's an issue of misinformation then then some labeling regulation should be placed on the manufacturers. 
    yes, moderation is important .. with everything in life. i think that goes without saying. 
    but if people are dying from consuming your product, i'd say as a manufacturer you should absolutely bear some responsibility.
    p.s. my whole point is that these drinks are "pretty bad" (read much worse) compared to even something as nasty as  doritos flavored mountain dew
    Alcohol and Tobacco.
    yes. but those two are regulated pretty heavily.
    i see 16 - 18 yo pounding red bulls at the gym like it's water.. can't say that it's a good thing. but nobody is going to say anything. i mean they have them for sale right there (questionable choice by gym owners). 
    i'm sure people would have a slightly different attitude if i started toking up at the gym, although i'd probably be doing myself a lot less harm than if i was drinking a red bull  :confused_2:
  19. Eh, I don't think energy drinks are healthy at all. Once in a while in moderation is fine - but once you're drinking them nearly every day or daily, probably wise to slow down on them, but to each his own.
    I don't drink much coffee - I've never gotten "boosts" from coffee - instead, I just end up crashing 30 minutes later without experiencing any sort of boost, so as hard as I've tried to be a coffee lover in the past, it's just never worked out and I stopped drinking it. Energy drinks, however, will give me a huge boost of energy - but it's never been good energy. I get extremely anxious and fidgety and it's just not worth it at all. I wish I could enjoy them, but everyone's different and it doesn't react well with me. I've probably only had about 15 energy drinks in my life, but I always got the same results and it wasn't worth it for me.
    I know people who drown a couple of them a day and there is no way that can be in any way good for you. I know one guy who landed himself in the hospital because he drank like 16 or something in a row one night (how the hell someone could drink that much of it to begin with, I have no idea). (though I don't think most people would go to that extreme)
    Even sugar-free options, artificial sweeteners aren't that healthy either. Artificial sweeteners creep me out too much so I never touch the sugar-free options.
  20. Energy drinks are terrible.
    Quit that stuff a month ago so I can buy more green.

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