most memroable experience?

Discussion in 'General' started by HyLyfe, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. I was wondering what everybodys most memorable experience was? I am new to the community and want to get to know everyone!

    For me it was when I was 16 years old. All of my older siblings smoked abd so did I but they would never really smoke with me or around me. My brother in law and I headed over to my brothers house. When we got there he pulled his stuff out of a amall bag in his office we all toked on some really bomb dank. After that, it seemed like myself and all of my siblings got along much better at gatherings when that barrier came down and we also got alot closer as a family unit!

    Looking forward to hearing from you guys.
  2. Is this a trick question? Memory and Pot are not two words I tend to use in the same sentence, unless its something like "I can't remember where I stashed the pot..."
  3. Lol, I think we've all been there man! No tricks just wanting to hear peoplle experiences with their MJ journeys is all!
  4. Well, shared elsewhere but one of my most memorable event was about 13 years ago, was a code-cowboy in SoCal during the dot-com boom, making lots of for a goof, I bought a whole pound of Mexican dirt-weed just to fool around with. So I get it, dump the whole pound on the dining room table to start having fun when I glance over the top of the mound of pot to see the first planes hitting the trade towers on I spent the day with my biggest bong and tried to hit the whole pound as the day went on...the weed was so nasty you could almost feel the lung-disease creeping in...
  5. Thats nuts! Couldn't imagine what went through your mind!
  6. I saw the face of god in an oil burner one time. He smirked at me and said 'FUCK YO CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM NIGGA.'

    Fucking asshole Jesus.
  7. The ones that aren't worth remembering, probably.
  8. The first time I inhaled "Don't Mention this Tryptamine"

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. ive always wanted to take the businessmans tour but I have never had the time or patiences to track it down. :-/

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