Anthropology Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Messiah Decoy, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. \tAncient Computer Even More Ancient Than We Thought:[​IMG]

    That's an interesting idea. When thinking of early human history, I always wonder what kinds of meetings there were between subspecies of humans. 
    It's a simple geometric shape. That's like saying why do humans make straight lines or circles.
  4. Yeah, can't help but wonder.. I mean, we're so used to it being just us.. but wasn't always like that. I think bout 3 million years ago was one of the biggest mix and match ups in our history.. in Africa. Evolutionary cousins banging each other and producing more variety, which means a greater chance of beneficial mutations coming about.

    As for the Antarctic theory, never know. I don't believe it, just a theory I came up with to help combat the ancient alien theory.. but it seems more plausible than aliens. Somewhere along the line, a group of our direct ancestors could of branched off.. but it'd have to be before Antarctica drifted south. Probably would of been before they started building boats, and even if they did, once Antarctica broke off, the waters between the land would of been treacherous.. isolating them there until they advanced enough to get off the continent.

    Either way, I'd love to see all the fossils that are under that ice. It's another thing people don't usually think about.. that that used to be lush jungles and such.
    A seashell with a carving was discovered and dated to be 500,000 years old.. and made by Homo erectus. Apparently they also knew exactly where to put a hole in the shell of a clam to open it.. While people might not think much of it, it just goes to show that life isn't dumb in general. People don't give our ancestors enough credit for the things they've done.. cause they think they weren't smart enough to do those things.
  6. Oh hell, I'm graduate degree is in Anthropology...cultural...I used to spend endless hours in my University library reading monographs of the Yanamomo, Hutus, native tribes of the Phillipines, etc....goddamn, I thought I was the only bearded loser in this place....lmao
  7. Uh.. pyramids were a work of art, not just simple slave labor.  Y'all really think a few slaves pushing a stone are capable of these architectural marvels we still enjoy to this very day?  Fuck man, you guys need less discovery channel, and more books, lol..
  8. an.advanced not a forruner to computers...


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