16yr old cited after crashing, killing whole family.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ItsReneeYo_, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. The kid's part for falling asleep at the wheel and causing a crash. 
    But I think I misread it the first time around. I thought he crashed into other people at first, but he just flipped and people in his own car got killed?

  2. i think dealing with peoples live shouldn't be so cut throat, many factors are in the mix. maybe his parents where tired from work and insisted him to drive to disney world. maybe being new to driving he wasn't aware of his limits just yet. 
    there was 8 people in the car i believe, he probably didn't consider the fact that stopping and turning would be a little more difficult and dangerous. he lost his family. that is enough. hes just a kid. if i had killed my entire family in a car crash like that INNOCENTLY. id off myself in a jiffy. 

    yes he woke up and over reacted, car flipped, family inside killed. 
  3. Parents never should have let a 16 year old drive that far in the first place. Poor kid. My parents never had me drive long trips like that until I was 18 and had a couple year's experience behind the wheel.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. With common sense.
    It stops there.

    Youd think on a marijuana forum compassion would be valued more than logic.

    This isnt an open and shut case.

    This could happen to anyone and it does everyday.

    I think the citation was appropriate. I think giving him a life sentence is too much, because no matter what we think, if he isnt a sociopath, this regret will be an obstacle forever.

    Every year, every holiday, birthday. Even if he gets married, theres no family to visit.

    You see a criminal. I see a poor fool who made had a terrible accident.

    But if you believe we should blanket statement all, then i dont think theres much hope for humanity.

    I appreciate and respect your opinion and the right to have it, i just disagree with your need to draw blood without wisely considering circumstance.

    Can you prove malice? If not, maybe you should reflect a bit.

    ~ poke
    • Like Like x 5
  5. Wow, that's terrible.
  6. #26 Pot Toker, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    I never said he should get a life sentence. He was driving recklessly and deserves a citation. I doubt there was any malicious intent and hence that's why he wasn't charged with murder..

    But ignoring the fact that he broke the law and killed a bunch of people isn't right either. I feel bad for him and think he deserves help which I'm sure he'll get. But Like I said, people are 'supposed' to be held accountable for their actions even in accidents. If you start ignoring that fact then it sort of negates the whole system.
  7. What do you have against me man, I've asked you for over 3 weeks who is in your signature. 

    Is there a reason to not tell me? I think she looks like a hella cool interesting person and I want to look into her, idk what you think I'm going to do with this information?
    On topic: Terrible accident, not really much more thought to put into it. 
  8. holy shit man.. that poor kid. i couldn't live with that guilt on my shoulders.. would be up all night wishing i went in the crash too. fuuuuckk, this hurts my feelers.
    he will probably never ever want to be behind the wheel of a car again, i know i wouldn't.

    i don't know about the whole legal side... if i were the judge i would send that kid a hug and someone to talk to, fuck a court date. its probably best i'm not a judge tho..

    wooo this upsets mii soul. pour guy
    • Like Like x 1
  9. its just that my life is so interesting and busy that i cant find the time to address your question, thts all
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  10. #30 SlayerVA, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    Everything isn't so black and white.

    But if you want life to be black and white, here ya go.
    The parents let the kid drive, he is under-aged, so it could be their fault. 
    No one purposely falls asleep at the wheel, his entire family is dead he doesn't need punishment.

    Cmon bro stop doing this to me, let's end this.. tonight... you gotta let me know, do you know?
    Kimbra... the girl from Gotye... damn you're a cunt for making me find this. 
  11. #31 rain dancer, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    You said, "but ignoring the fact he broke the law and killed a bunch of people isnt right either."

    Lets be fair. He killed his family, not a bunch of random people and i dont think he did it on purpose. As a father i cant bare to imagine that weight on any of my childrens shoulders.

    When did anyone ignore the fact that his parents irresponsible action of letting their son drive unsupervised cost them and their other childrens lives? This kid isnt an adult, so we have to look at ALL the facts.

    How would you punish the boy?

    Because i already said i think the citation was appropriate which means i understood the law and i think that for once, the officers got it right.

    But i appreciate you feeling for this kid. The wisest judges imo are the ones who observe the whole story and all the facts.

    Knee jerk reactions tend to be a youthful response.

    At least from my observation of the world.
  12. And with that, the whole system needs to be negated.

    Anyone whos ever dealt with the system knows this :smoke:
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Talk about adding insult to injury. Poor guy, I couldn't imagine bearing that kind of guilt. Shit can and does happen to anybody.

    I've had a few 24 or 36 hour shifts where I'd be driving, particularly on or heading back from a long transport when we'd been run back to back all day, and I'd be absolutely fighting to stay awake. Stopping to smoke, walk around and do push ups and jumping jacks every twenty minutes, chugging caffeine. Getting drowsy while driving isn't that hard when you're going long distance at night. Or when you're straight up sleep deprived, when I first started college and was working two jobs I once nodded off and ran my truck into a ditch. Now I'll nap in the driver's seat before I even risk it.

    Personally, I'd never let a sixteen year old drive for hours while I slept. But that's a pretty moot point now. Are they even sure he fell asleep? Especially if he was inexperienced, it could have been simply an accident due to the common beginner's mistake of overcorrection and a top heavy SUV.

    People who kill a stranger driving often have lifelong psychological issues, even if they weren't at fault. That's a heavy burden. But five people, your own family? Not to be pessimistic, but there's a good chance he'll never recover from that, a citation is the least of his troubles.

    Feel bad for the kid and the pain he's experiencing :(
    • Like Like x 2
  14. ^CK, owe you a like buddy, all out :smoke:
    • Like Like x 1
  15. its kimbra. she a music artist. lol 
  16. Took me 3 weeks to find this out, fuck. Thanks lol
  17. Who held a gun to his head and forced him into this situation? He may not legally be an adult but he is a licensed driver and with that comes certain responsibility.

    Maybe the parents shouldn't have let him drive, and maybe he should have had the presence of mind to stop before he wrecked and killed everyone. His age is really irrelevant, would it make a difference if he were 18, 25, 35? I think he's lucky that they didn't come down harder on him. If a father fell asleep behind the wheel and killed his two kids the public would go into a frenzy to have him locked away.
  18. yes because with age comes experience in most cases, i would expect an 18 and up human to know their limits. a 16 year old, not so much. 
  19. #39 rain dancer, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 22, 2014
    You really sound like you just want someone to be punished.

    And his age isn't irrelevant. Its the only relevant point in fact.

    Its hard to imagine youve ever made a mistake with the tone you take over a simple accident with tragic consequences.

    A father is a grown man, a lot different than a young inexperienced boy.

    Mind if i ask your age?

    At 20 i saw the world in black and white too :smoke:
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  20. I mean, the facts here are pretty clear and simple. His age is irrelevant, reckless driving and causing an accident are crimes. So is killing someone, even in an accidental case. Those are the only relevant facts and apply to everyone wholly and equally.

    I feel bad for him and I'm sure he'll be offered help. But like I said, once you start handing out passes where do you stop? If you accidently run someone over I'll feel bad for you, sure. But it doesn't really make a difference if it's your mother or a stranger, the simple fact is that people are responsible for their actions and should be handled equally.

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