Men, women, and children

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by dokc, Nov 17, 2014.

    With a knife? Out to do damage? I have a strong front kick and it will be applied. Kick to injure, not to kill. 

    By your measure if a woman who is in full control of herself, disrespects me I have even more of a reason to hit her because she is fully aware of what she is doing. Where as a child is arguably projecting what the child feels as normal. Meaning if you disrespect a child the child is likely to disrespect you.
    And by hitting them you're teaching them that violence will quell a situation of distress.
    And the trouble they are getting into is directly deferred by your response of potential violence.
  3. Why do you keep putting two different situations in one sentence ?

    There are parents out there who don't correctly discipline their children using spanking as a method , which in my first post I qualified as ABUSE which is what you would be doing if you put your hands on a GROWN woman .

    This is a scenario my sister in law goes thru daily after someone called DCF on her (but that's a different story)
    "John if you don't put your toys away , mommy is going to have to put a red sticker on your behavior chart. Do you want that?"
    John , because he's an 11 year old boy , he tells her to wait until he's finished playing the game.

    So what does she do? She calls me , the official unofficial disciplinarian . As soon as I stepped into his room and he saw me , this boy gets up immediately and starts making up his bed and picking up his toys .

    And no he's not scared of me. He spends the weekends with me and we have our talks where we bond and shit like that but he knows if I have to ask him twice , the third time is gonna be in sign language .

    But I feel when I do it , its more successful because I follow up on it . I don't just spank the child and let him go about his day , learning to resent me and basically rebel when they're a teenager . I make sure they understand WHY I spanked them by telling me what they did wrong and understanding that I do not want to have to resort to that , but also remind them I will not hesitate to do so .

    With that they learn to respect their elders and over time it becomes instinct not based on fear but the full understanding that discipline teaches boundaries and respect that is necessary to become productive members of society .

    I clean table ... I clean mouth ... You breathe deep
    But why can I not hit a woman if she does not do as I ask?
    Oh because it is abuse.
    Why is it abuse?
    Because I hit her.
    But what if I am hitting her because she is not doing as I ask?
    Well thats not abuse thats discipline.
    Explain to me how that line of thought is wrong. Why does the fact that she is grown make it wrong to hit her? 
    Discipline can mean spanking and spanking means abuse. Regardless of how you doll up the word you are still laying your hands on a woman. In your case a grown woman. Which often has the capacity to interact or leave.
    So please explain to me why I can not hit a woman.
  5. A real man never hits a kid or a woman unless you genuinely fear for your safety. Hitting a kid is like abusing a dog, it's just the most pathetic thing you can do. Not hitting a woman is just gentlemen's code - you just don't do it.
  6. Agreed with above. As men we were raised better than that (hopefully). You never hit a woman, no matter what the situation is unless your life is in danger. Men who do just show that they have masculinity issues with themselves.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. A woman and a child are two different people .

    You don't need to control a grown woman . She's been thru years of life that taught her things her parents cannot . She can effectively think for herself and make her own decisions , right or wrong ?
    A child is not in control of their thoughts or actions . They have not been thru enough life lessons to smarten up the choices they make . That's where parents come in .

    How you choose to raise and discipline your child is your choice and your choice alone but don't compare spanking to abuse , there is no comparison .

    I clean table ... I clean mouth ... You breathe deep
  8. #28 iAmBetty, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
    Smack a child when they're at their worst. You've tried other things, and they still act out, even directly challenge you, then a smack is called for. Hard enought to sting for a few min, but no mark or real damage. They'll live.

    Now, the situation in the OP, knife and all, hell yeah I'd hit that little fucker.

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