why so leafy?

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by callumr, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. why so leafy?????


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  2. because it's only just begun flowering
    looks unhappy atm :(
  3. but all others are happy and all budded almost ready to pull?
  4. #4 Rokit92, Nov 16, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2014
    It looks like you are either over, or under watering. 
  5. Looks overwatered mate, I also notice a few of the leaves have turned down at the tips ( the claw ).
    Good luck.

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  6. Root rot

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  7. Overwatering like somethin fierce my friend.

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  8. I will stay up all night praying to the nature god for you  :cry:  I hope she can pull through :cry:
  9. Pop the rootball out and give it a whiff, I know it sounds weird but if you smell any rotting funk you should probably take the loss and throw it out.

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