Trans* and Gender Variant Support Thread

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Greenunit, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Recent victory: I am returning to work for an old employer that knew me under my old name/gender identity. I felt that the best approach was to be honest about my name change, and they were understanding and accommodating. They said they would have supported my transition if it had started while I was working for them.
    Current problems: Buying pants sucks ass for like 8000 different reasons related to dysphoria.

  3. I brought up the idea of a legal name change as my Xmas gift for my parents. They didn't seem opposed to it, although my father changed the subject pretty quickly. I guess we'll see what happens.
  4. I'm cis, but I am here to show my support and respect to those who identify as trans* or gender variant
    My best friend is trans* and together, we've had to face all the bullshit Irish society throws at them. It's bullshit really. But yeah, sorry /endrant
    How much does it cost, just out of curiosity? 
  5. Much love :love:
    The legal change itself costs $140, but then there's the additional cost of replacing each ID, altogether it's about $400-500.
    Ah god -.- in a perfect world.. you shouldn't have to pay
    Over here, Ireland is barely LGB friendly, the 'T' is sorely forgotten about time and time again.
    We have no third gender, you can't change your official documents (like your passport) and it's a disgrace.
    We do have 'civil partnership' ( <_< ) but to get a civil partnership, you must be of the same gender. And even then, civil partnership doesn't offer half of the rights as actual marriage. 
    We have a new marriage referendum coming up soon and there have been signs of hope this Summer when the Dáil (Irish parliament) started drafting a 'gender recognition bill' which will allow transgendered people over the age of 16 to change their gender. 
    So kind of progress. Slow, limited progress. 
  7. I wish. It's really just the beginning, new clothes are an expense. Then you've got your hormones, surgeries, doctor/hospital visits...
  8. wussup G
    just droppin by some love
    cool and ballsy (hehe) of you to start this thread. dont think ive seen anything like this around
    anyway im cis myself but im always showin up at support events here in miami cause ive a ton of friends that are involved in the community. also, every event is fun as fuck :p
    stay ballin
  9. Much appreciated fancy :love:
    I had my hesitations, but I talked to some mods first and made sure I had their support and they'd keep a close eye out in here. There's been some minor issues, but overall it's been good!
  10. I'm honestly not trying to play devil's advocate so I'll try to make this as least offensive as possible. I don't think this thread should be in Pandora's Box, not because it isn't controversial but because there is a literal Sex / Love forum where this would fit like a glove. Also, this is a 'support' thread. Meaning only 'support' can be offered, is heavily moderated and all else is removed for sensibility. It goes against everything Pandora. Transgender issues is something I am honestly on the fence about and I cannot offer any skepticism or platform for debate in a hugbox catered to everyone's sensitivity.
  11. You make a good point, however I stand by my decision of the placement of this thread. There were a few other places that I could have placed the thread, sex/love being the main other place. However, I felt that Pandora's box was more appropriate as it is "for discussion of various topics that might be controversial for some members" and at this time, it is highly controversial. Also, the trans* experience encompasses more than just sex/love, but lifestyle, social experience, even down to the very core of a person's being.
    PB is also a place that holds a number of other support threads, such as the Mental Health/Awareness thread and the Gay thread. The latter is more of an information/discussion thread, but also for support.
    There are indeed other threads where you can express your OPINIONS on the topic: which I see you have participated in, so you already knew of their existence.
  12. I'll bite my tongue then, maybe off.
    Thanks for establishing that this is not a free discussion zone and that opinions go elsewhere. Enjoy your hugbox.
    Slow political change is the only kind of political change :laughing:
    If change is happening at all, it's a victory, especially in a country such as Ireland.
  14. Sad, but true.
  15. I have to agree. This section should be for open discussion of the controversial topics. I don't mind this thread, but there's definitely a better place for it, and a few others.
  16. Been reading up on surgeries...
    What a journey.
  17. Today is Trans* Day of Remembrance. Today we remember all those individuals who have lost their lives as a result of transphobic violence and hatred inflicted by those who lashed out at what they couldn't/wouldn't understand. We also remember those who turned that violence inward and ended their own lives.
  18. Joan of Arc may have been trans*, what a badass idol!
  19. #59 240sxLover, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
    ^Oh come on, she was simply a heroic, visionary woman who wasn't afraid to get her hands dirty. Not to hate on the transgender community, but don't go altering history... Now, an interesting trans figure from history who was actually trans was Catalina de Erauso. I read her biography from the colonial period for a history class. She was such a badass that the Vatican and the Spanish crown both gave her the legal right to continue as a man when they found out about her rouse. All in the time of the Inquisition in the Americas and Spain. A good short read IMO. But then again, sexuality in that time period was often viewed in a different lens than our protestant nation views it today. And of course, across most nations, women see more tolerance to sexual/gender nonconformity. Lesbians in Nazi Germany were treated much better than gay men, and gay men could legally argue that they simply had a "momentary laps of reason". For some reason, the Nazis thought that all men had the capacity for homosexual acts/desires (which I honestly don't think is far from the truth). Queer stuff ain't it? Ahahah, that was a good one...
  20. This is why I said "may have", we really can't know for sure. However she was quoted as saying that she would rather die than wear women's clothes, it's something to consider.

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