Is world peace impossible?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Verts, Oct 30, 2014.

  1. As long as humans exist, there will be different ideas.
    As long as there are different ideas, there will be conflict.
    Conflict prevents world peace.
    Essentially, world peace requires every single person on the planet to be on the exact same wavelength, adhering to the exact same idea. 

  2. This song sums up my opinion on the matter.

  3. I think you're right unfortunately
  4. I think it is possible, but very unlikely. The only way I see world peace being possible is if we are all genetically engineered and controlled by some sort of unquestioned dictator.
    And might it not also depend on how we define 'peace'?
  5. Very definitely, mostly possible.
  6. Humans aren't special

    Life has always been a literal fight for survival

    World peace can't exist as long as there are limited resources

  7. Depends how you define peace... maybe there won't be wars or even small gang type of shit, but there can always be Instances of violence In heated moments with the right ingredients.

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  8. Not until we crack the human brain and the government alters everyone's mind into being exactly the same..
  9. Teach every kid to grow cannabis plants.

    Boom, 20 years later world peace.
  10. Peace is enlightenment. When samsara and nirvana are seen everywhere in eachother, then blip the world collapses. Over time, the world will relinquish its karma and will become homogenous, without quality.

    There's an attainment of mind that's ultimate. All can and will attain to it. Nirvana.
    Peace is enlightenment. When samsara and nirvana are seen everywhere in eachother, then blip the world collapses. Over time, the world will relinquish its karma and will become homogenous, without quality.

    There's an attainment of mind that's ultimate. All can and will attain to it. Nirvana.
  11. It's possible, but it's not going to happen.
  12. you mean we will all die in a nuclear winter?

    "All this has happened before. All this will happen again" - caprica 6

    It's possible, but not certain. It's also not what I'm really speaking about.
  14. Isn't the Middle East the only thing preventing world peace?
  15. International conflicts?
    Conflicts between states?
    Or the abolishment of all violence between humans?
    Or even the abolishment of all violence between all living things?
    I think the first two are possible, given time, but the term "world peace" is incredibly vague and nondescript.
  16. Logically, Yes. Realistically.. No.

    Humanity is one of the most diverse non-species. Destined for failure. In all different aspects.
    The psychological boundary between each individual brings many diversity mindsets(Realities) to exist,
    If intellect never happed.
    I believe we would still be living in primal instinct world. Where unity is indefinite.
    I don't think intellect is bred either. I fully believe that it is what I call a periodic evolution. Essentially, we all have the same physical forms, So in most cases, we have the same physical abilities, so intellect is just an influence for development. It literally has to do with growing into a world that you were never meant to see. So much stimuli, of different logical influences.
    It grows much more different mindsets, and more dissociated from each other.

    We lost objectives, developed language, numerals, sometimes characters. Separate idealism movements.
    Humans need to understand that we are here for each other, not something that doesn't really exist or matter.
    As it is literally created by us.

    WE don't stand a chance. Just leave in the Mountains, far away from here. See what it's like with nobody there.

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