Israel bans Palestinians from using the same public transport as Jews

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SmokinP, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. #181 J-DILLA, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    Pretty gruesome act of terrorism.
    Even more so that the Arabs responsible were actually employed at the synagogue and regularly interacted with the slain rabbis. Not to mention a Muslim Arab policeman was also murdered.

    Case in point
    Peace is impossible with a society that cherishes death more over life.
    Your hypocricy leaves me hypoxic ...
  5. That's very true, you should tell the Israeli gov that too. Seems like they don't get it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. #186 J-DILLA, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2014
    Where do I begin? Child suicide bombers, honour killings, human shields, sharia law....
    It's much easier to accuse me of hypocrisy rather than to refute my points, I get it.
  7. That won't work on me
    Nor will it work by giving Palestinians more land..
  9. Are you just messing around at this point? If so, you totally got me :laughing:
    Palestinians are like people all over the world- they love death more than the Israelis love life. They want dignity. They want justice. They want to launch rockets at schools but lack the education necessary to aim them (turns out that it is rocket science- who knew!).
  11. It's ironic how all these threads end up like the real conflict, both sides in the wrong and neither willing to give an inch.
  12. #192 Rotties4Ever, Nov 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2014
    and quite sad, people dont learn from yesterday's mistakes, and are under this ignorant impression that violence will actually solve issues, it might solve some issues, but for how long? how long before the next generation grows up and follows the same path of ignorance?
    Ive said it before, Ill say it a thousand times again if I have to; stop letting other people divide you from the rest of humanity, doesnt matter who was born where or what religion, its all irrelevant.
    Notice how neither side ever really elaborates why its so significant whether you were born 3 feet on the border to the right, or 3 feet of the border to the left, but somehow magically ( I say magic, because modern science cant tell why) youre less of a human being and thus expendable in their never ending quest for land ownership, never mind that the land was there way before either side decided to use violence to claim it, and will be there long after were all dead. Nope. Gotta send people's children, and children's parents to go fight senseless wars.
    sorry for ranting /rant
    because certain people have been 'educated' (read:brainwashed) to believe that if they just kill another couple of people, leave a few more children orphanes, and destroy a few more house holds then the other side will give up.
    but what about those who lost someone in this senseless violence? they sadly, overcome with hatred and rage help perpetuate this cycle of dumbass and in turn help what was done to them, do so to the other side, nevermind that the other side is full of people just like them before they lost someone.
    No understanding = No compassion. Thats just the way the cookie crumbles, one of humanity's many flaws; Everybody wants to build, but nobody wants to do maintenance.
  13. Completely agree mate, both sides condoning the murder of children because fictional stories of their pasts (from thousands of years ago) vary slightly. It's madness.
    But until both sides admit they are in the wrong then it will go on forever.
  14. The law is simply saying that the purpose of modern state of Israel is to provide a homeland for the Jewish people.

    There's nothing controversial about it, when it states the basic principle of Zionism.

    This is identical to Japan being a state of Japanese or France being a nation of the French.
  15. If history has taught us anything it is that we don't learn from history
  16. Wow I just read through this whole thread, in nz we have refugees from both sides coming here to escape, even the jewish refugees admit that their country is deceiving everyone and making out they are the victims when it's really the other way around

    Excellent.  Well done.

  19. But was he right?  What does deter a terrorist?

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