Comical Anti-Marijuana Ads

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by MistahWho, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. #1 MistahWho, Oct 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2014
    While keeping up with the Yeson2 campaign I have came across some of the most comical anti marijuana ads with nothing but false information.
    While it is bad for seniors citizens who don't know much about the plant, it can hurt the polls. For those of us who know how cannabis can help us medicinally as well as recreationally, we see these ads as hilarious and full of false misleading information.
    If you have one share it & discuss it below.  :bongin: 

  2. At this point in the game there's nothing that can be done about this stupid shit. I'm just happy it has taken as long as it has to hit the mainstream.
    Cross your fingers and hope well informed voters outnumber the ignorant ones...
  3. I don't think I could have watched that whole video without the use of cannabis lol. Holy shit that was terribad.
    I skipped thru to the end, and was happy to see it was made by some douche that used some sort of "make your own propaganda cartoon" software to do it.
    Over the top and unbelievable to most anyone with any knowledge of cannabis at all.....
  5. I have to admit though. Any time I eat pot brownies I always get the sudden urge to grab an automatic and shoot into the air on my front lawn. Fortunately my desire to eat funyuns while watching bad tv dwarfs that urge. 
  6. #6 well highdrated, Oct 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2014
    this can't be real?  :smoking:
    probably the best thing i've seen here in a long time. i can't stop laughing. sharing this with everyone.   :yay:   :laughing:
  7. #7 MistahWho, Oct 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 27, 2014
    :laughing:  :laughing:
    They're going to great lengths to try and change peoples minds.
    I just blew off half of my face, but wait let me take a selfie hahaha ​
    She is a special effects artist and had nothing to do with this, someone stole her photo and added a "Meme". Here is her tumblr account.
  8. You have more ads against cigs now more than ever. No worries, weed is going to be legalized in some way anyway.

    And another thing... kids would not be able to buy it. wtf are they trying to prove?
  9. What about the one where the girl just like melts in the couch? and the dog is just looking at her like "Uhh wtf you doin, yo?" 
  10. [SUB]<sub>The music was scary. The amount of ignorance and outright lies was even scarier. I need to take an SSRI now and hope that I don't kill someone. [/SUB]</sub>
  11. Here is a similar one to what your talking about. I believe this would be called an Acid Trip.
  12. <sup><sup><sup>Note to self...don't use jet fuel in my pot bong. Noted. </sup></sup></sup>
  13. [media][/media]
    One of the comments- 
    "home girl just took a fat dab, leave her alone" 
  14. People are such assholes. If adults want to use marijuana responsibly, why do assholes need to ruin the fun for everyone else just because they don't like marijuana? If you don't like it, don't smoke it, but don't be a jackwagon and force other adults to continue obtaining it illegally.
    These hypocrites want to enjoy their beer and hard alcohol, and somehow that's perfectly fine, but marijuana isn't? What a joke.
    It's NO DIFFERENT than alcohol in that respect -- as long as you use it responsibly, don't drive while high, and don't provide it to children, what's the problem?
    But they always, always use the scare tactic that those big, bad, evil marijuana smokers are going to give it to kids and get them hooked! And they continue to use bad, discredited studies about marijuana as a gateway drug.
  15. Anything that says marijuana will kill u makes me laugh
  16. actually weed is less harmful than alcohol hell pen caps kill more kids in the world a year than weed ever has
  17. #17 MistahWho, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2014
    Pen caps cause 100 deaths a year.
    These deaths occur when people play with pen caps in their mouths and the cap slips in too far, creating a choking hazard. Though it could seem a little far-fetched that so many deaths could be caused annually by choking on such a miscellaneous object, let's not forget that a choking hazard almost took the life of our 43rd president. 
    Source >
    Here is another one.  :laughing: 
  18. exactly pen caps or more dangerous then weed and all the video is doing to America is makin people even more ignorant about weed use. It's funny tho lol. And yeah weed should not be so discriminated that video is not getting the right point across weed does not kill only idiots kill and those idiots are the reason why weed is illegal and publicly discriminated against

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