? for the ladies

Discussion in 'Fashion & Lifestyle Trends' started by Cen_Cal_Care, Oct 26, 2014.

  1. It depends. I only like them if they're dark angular and well-kept. Otherwise they're just gross. wouldn't wanna kiss that

  2. my gf tells me to shave because my 5 o'clock shadow beard scratches when i kiss her (& when i go down on her :) )
  3. #23 Gan, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2015
    If you want to grow a beard, don't do it for the ladies.  The way life works, if you have a girlfriend, she will probably hate beards, and if you don't have a girlfriend, even if you grow a beard, the only women you'll meet will for some reason also hate beards.  And then even if you do meet a hottie who likes beards, she'll probably dump your ass when she realizes you're just fucking her because she's 19 and her pussy is still tight.  Life is just ridiculous like that sometimes. 
    Personally, I don't really go more than around 4 days without shaving because I just start feeling dirty.  It takes a few months to grow a solid beard and I just can't go that long in that inbetween period where I just look like a dirty, scraggly, beard growing wannabe.  Even if I get past the whole wannabe beard thing I still feel dirty as hell.  So the answer from me is NO, i just don't have the patience or mental fortitude to do it.  But then again, I dont' really care that much.  Maybe I just don't deserve to have a beard.  But then again, maybe that's what having a beard is all about.  And if you're asking us if you should grow a beard, then maybe you're just not ready either
  4. Clean, well kept, beards are amazing. 
    There are many types of beards, and you have to see what works for your face. 
    And how your hair grows. 
    Stubble and short beards can rub someone's face a bit raw if making out with them. 
    Beards do tend to get softer as they get longer. 
    All for a clean beard if it works for you. 
  5. Ladies pretty like the men with a beard.
  6. Big scruffy Santa style beards - no. Well trimmed goatee style just edging the jaw - no. Unshaven for a few days mediterranean fisherman style - yes. instead you can try some new dope clothing Huhh!!!
  7. Yes beards are sexy
  8. Don't every women like this beard. But I heard about it some of the women wanted mostly with a beard man.
  9. I know many ladies would like to try some high street fashion brands, like ASOS, h&m or some online stores like GAP AND nextshe.co.uk.
  10. Beards.Are.Sexy.

    I want my man to look like a man, not some pre pubescent man/child.
  11. Yes, if its clean, well groomed and suits his face.
  12. I like a man with a small beard, he looks brutal and sexy. Of course the beard should be neat and tidy. But to kiss problem then.
  13. I like stubble... not full facial hair.

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