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Bud got a bit soggy..

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by midrange, Oct 25, 2014.

  1. So I got some bud that was a bit on the crappy side, kind of weak and more on the brown side. I read somewhere to throw in orange peel in with it to liven it up a bit. Well.. I guess I wasn't supposed to leave it in there so long, because now it's quite a bit moist. It was about 7g's and I had it all ground up already. So now what the heck do I do? Just leave the lid of my jar off until it dries back out?

  2. Yikes, did you check for mold? I would say leave it out in a dry, cool place with good air circulation.
  3. I don't think I see anything unusual. The peels aren't moldy. It's also not actually wet feeling... more of just soft and fluffy rather than hard and crunchy. 
  4. Ahh okay, I know what you mean. If it's just soft and fluffy then I'd say it's good to smoke, just put a little in a pipe or something and test it out, if it doesn't taste out of the ordinary, you're good!
  5. Back in the day I dropped a nug of mid grade into a pot of boiling water by accident. Left it on the table for a day and a half and it was good to go. Tasted a hit harsh.

  6. #6 Infinite Experience, Oct 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 25, 2014
    Hell yeah, I say a bud saved is a bud earned. :bongin:
  7. Thanks guys. I got 7g's of this crap stuff, and an eighth of some really good stuff. I got a bit nervous so I'm puffing on the good stuff for now instead, ha. The very bottom of the jar the stuff was maybe a little wet looking, but the rest I think is just fluffy and soft. It's not gonna kill me, right? lol. Should I just leave the lid off, or should I lay it out somewhere? 
  8. Nah if it smells fine and doesn't appear to have mold you're ok. If you lay it out somewhere it will dry a bit faster.

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