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Can you Approximate?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Soulus_Ronin, Oct 24, 2014.

  1. #21 Old School Smoker, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    Looks to be about 3 grams.
    I would say something that is smart ass, but it appears that other blades have already done it. Thanks for posting!

  2. I was actually looking at this post mainly to see your smart ass comment ;(

    Bird + Weed + Papers = Good time
  3. My weight had no association with the others listed. dont come on here asking for weights when u seem to know yourself. smh
  4. 21 grams translates to almost an Ounce. And what was in that picture was nowhere near an ounce. If you were truly being sincere then I apologize as I mistook it for sarcasm and I thank you for your feedback.
  5. #25 enjoyandlive, Oct 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 24, 2014
    alright. youve answered your own question ya see, it's no where near 3/4 oz in weight. If i we're to reguess I'd say 6 gs
  6. I had an idea of how much it was, but I wanted a second opinion for accuracy because I'm planning to use it for edibles.
  7. This thread is still going?   :laughing:
    I vape until it's dark drown, almost a dark chocolate.  I throw my abv away.  I don't see extracting enough THC to be worth the effort.  However if you don't vape that dark then I've heard it's worth making edibles.
  8. I'm making firecrackers, and it's just an experiment.
  9. Looks like you vaped the hell outta that bud(unless it is the lighting in the pic). Mine is usually a golden brown. But then again I have a good supply that I don't have to worry about getting every little bit of the good stuff out of the bud.
  10. Yeah I usually vape it at 290-300 until nothing else is comin out for the most part. It's dark brown with speckles of gold in it.
  11. I'll save you the trouble of all the steps involved in making proper edibles .

    It's not going to work.

    It's best to make some sort of concentrate, like dry sift, kief, oil, bubble, and use that for your edibles.

    THC and the accompanying cannabinoids are fat soluble, and must be activated, and absorbed into some sort of fatty carrier in order to pass the blood/brain barrier.

    It takes quite a bit of NON previously vaped cannabis to accomplish this.

    If you use a grinder, save the kief, until you have at the very least a full gram.

    Mix with a tablespoon of peanut butter, place on a cracker.Bake at 275 for 20 ish minutes...
    This should be much more easy to accomplish, and if ya vape a lot of herb... You SHOULD be able to accumulate a gram of kief faster than you can save enough AVB to be of any use.
  12. From my understanding, it only takes 1g to get lifted off a firecracker (depending on your tolerance.) It takes 3 times that amount with AVB to work properly (so I've been told.) So the amount of I have is perfect. Like I said, I'm going to try it out and if it doesn't work, then I have the experience for future reference.
  13. LOL props for this one

    to OP: its funny because most people come on these forums and ask if they got ripped or not

    I see no picture btw.
  14. uh whatever you do, dont eat 3gs of abv. You will get uncomfortibly high. Eat like 1.5, even that much is a lot. Expect a body high over anything, most of the active thc is already gone
  15. Well like I said, it depends on your tolerance. Mine was pretty high but I took a 1-week T-break, put those 3 grams in a mix of Nutella, coconut oil, and vegetable oil and baked it. I was pretty high for 4 hours and then I greened out. I was anything but uncomfortable lol. But I understand where you're coming from, it differs from person to person.
  16. It worked for me btw...
  17. im one of those people that like to get as high as I possibly can, but imo listen to sirdabsalot, and make a concentrate before you do it.. what I meant was the 3grams of abv plant matter is bound to make most people sick. Also you can dab the concentrate tht you make
  18. All these people. Looks like 7 grams. I have made 8g firecrackers for 3 people of decent weed nothing mind blowing but not dirt either. I usually vape until it is fairly dark. I was high for around 12 hours but i slept through most of it because it made all 3 of us pass out. I used to regualrly eat 3-4g firecrackers also so it may have helped tolerance wise.
  19. Definitely 5-6 grams tops.
  20. firecrackers suck compared to canna-peanut butter.

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