IDF Speaking Up Against Israeli Defense Force Treats Palestinians Not As Human Beings, Arrests of Young Children

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ReturnFire333, Oct 23, 2014.


    The writers experience seems to fit right in with the IDF's treatment of others.  It's a cultural thing, which makes it worse than merely political.
    What a shithole.

  2. #22 J-DILLA, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2014
    Stopped reading there. There are no Ultra Orthodox parties in the current coalition government. There is no way she does not know that, and that means she is lying. If she is lying, how can I take the rest of her story seriously?

    Let's be thankful that Israel does not murder those who criticises the government. Nurit should be glad that she has the freedom to speak out against whatever she believes in.

    Try speaking out against Hamas/Palestinian authority or any Muslim government for that matter and see how that goes. Hopefully you won't end up in a body bag. Those are the true shit holes, as you put it.
  3. #23 forty winks, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2014
    But, but, the evil Jews.....
  5. ^^^^
    This is why ayn Rand talked about the evils of nationalism

  6. How so?
  8. #28 yurigadaisukida, Oct 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2014
    People become blind to rationalility when consumed by nationalism.

    Its almost like a religion.

    Edit. Shit I just realized Israel is double skrewed.

    The state is the church and they are ultra religious and.nationalistic.

    It explains why they refuse to acknowledge their own atrocities

    How so?
    How do you expect me to believe any of the information is factual, when the author made a mistake within the first paragraph?
    I'm sure you already know there are 2 million Arab Israeli citizens living in Israel.

  11. Israel is the safest place in the Middle East for Muslims and Christians to live.  Re: OP's what?  They blindfolded and cuffed a 10 or 12 year old.  At school the Palestinian children are taught Jews will drain their blood for cooking so who's doing the abuse?  TBF, practically all reporters gin up their stories.
  12. Drain their blood for cooking ?

    Let me guess an Israeli government (MEMRI) video/translation ?

    Sent from the back of a jihadist donkey...
  13. They believe Allah will grant them 72 virgins.

    So it would not be that far off to think they also believe Jews make matzo with the blood of Palestinians.
  14. Oh they believe all kinds of crazy shit in the Middle East...

    There is another lot who believe they are chosen and have a god given right to lands that they last saw 2,000 years ago...

    Sent from the back of a jihadist donkey...
  15. #35 J-DILLA, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    Muslims are clearly safer in places like Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, etc... :laughing:
    "Chosenness" is the belief that the Jewish people were singularly chosen to enter into a covernant with God. the concept of a chosen people within Judaism has nothing to do with racial superiority, but rather is a description of the special relationship between God and Jews.
    what exactly did you mean by "chosen"? is it just another bs claim which you have no evidence of again?
  17. "We aren't racially superior, our race is just "special" in the eyes oof God"

  18. #38 J-DILLA, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    When the Torah refers to the Jewish people as "chosen," it is not in any way asserting that Jews are racially superior. Americans, Asians, Russians, Europeans, Scandinavians and Ethiopians ...and moreover Caucasians, blacks and Orientals ..are all part of the Jewish people. It is impossible to define choseness as anything related to race, since Jews are racially diverse.
    This vicious anti-Semitic canard, frequently repeated by Jew haters, is based upon the malicious notion that the "Chosen People" of the Torah and Talmud preaches "superiority over other peoples", as well as exclusivity. This was, of course, the principal theme of the notorious Tsarist Protocols of the Elders of Zion..
  19. #39 SmokinP, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2014
    Special relationship with god ? Chosen ?
    That sounds as mad as the 72 virgins.

    I would go for the 72 virgins if I had to pick...

    Sent from the back of a jihadist donkey...
  20. #40 J-DILLA, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    Go ahead and strap some explosives to your body. 
    Let me know if those virgins show up or not. :p

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