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Over 40

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Malt Teezer, Oct 21, 2014.

  1. You can Salem out of the country can't take the country out of Salem.
    Ya gotta be over 50 to know what that means......

  2. Wondering where the yellow went became wondering where the teeth went.
  3. A suddenly relevant picture!
  4. Ha, I remember going into doctor's offices (and I was an adult) and they had ashtrays in the waiting room.
  5. Kind of depressing listening to this laundry list of ailments. Luckily I've not hit the insomnia thing; can still sleep 12 hours straight (with or without a schmoke). My aim is to stay off of a any pharma crap as long as I can. I'll grow my own meds as long as I can.
    Give it a few decades. Although I do NOT like taking pills and my doc is well aware of that, aside from sleep meds the only script I take is for high blood pressure. (I'm 64) In that regard I'm somewhat lucky although I have other medical problems that medications won't help.
  7. Nice to see a few other greybeards on here.
  8. Ashtrays on airplanes.....yeah.
  9. Complete this sentence if you are over 50...
      Dirt can't hide, from ____________
  10. "Scrubbing bubbles" . . . ?

    Never flown commercial, but it wasn't that long ago that doctor waiting rooms had ashtrays.
  11. Bar soap..grandpa told my kids to use the bar of soap..they had no clue what he talking about..
  12. Remember when a circular arm motion was the only way to get the car window down?
    Eh, I was doing that circular thing until four years ago. :(
  14. I sti
    I still have my Dad's '92 mini van. He ordered from the factory because he didn't want "all those bells and whistles". My daughters are still amazed at having to go to such exertion. My grandbabies are clueless. 
    Next will be voice command. I'll probably be dead by then, thank goodness.
  16. My 2004 Silverado doesn't have power windows but it does have my first cruise control.  I'm amazed anyone's amazed by crank windows. Oops, I said "crank" 
  17. How about the high/low beam button in the floorboard? A lot of the under-40 crowd have never heard of such craziness.
    Yes, I hate the new way.
    Old way: Your foot was always available to move sideways and hit the button, because it wasn't doing anything else (especially with an auto trans)
    New way: Your left hand may be doing many other things, but you have to stop and move it to the lever if you want to change the beams.
    Now to go back even farther: I believe it was in the '50s that some of the car manufacturers invented a thing that was mounted on the dashboard and sensed oncoming lights, and if your high beams were on it automatically lowered them.
    What happened to that? Seems like a good idea to me.

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