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Pipe issues

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Tokinsince2012, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Hey guys. So I've been looking for a new pipe to replace my broken one, and this is the third pipe I've bought and I'm pissed off
    The first pipe was actually a chillum that slides out to get longer. So it's technically 2 pieces. But the bow hole was way too big and weed was falling through and I thought the two-piece thing was cool but now I just think it's a pain in the ass.
    The second pipe I bought was a spoon but for some fucking reason it didn't have a carb. I didn't look for one because I thought all spoons had carbs.
    The third pipe I bought caught my eye because it looked just like the pipe that I broke. So I thought that would be a perfect replacement. Everything looked fine so I bought it. One problem. The mouth hole is too small and i can't get enough suction out of it. It feels like you're sucking through a tiny ass straw. I really like this piece and it would be perfect if the mouth hole was just a little bit bigger. I don't want to buy another pipe because I already wasted most of my paycheck to get the 3 I already bought.
    Is there any way I could open up that hole just a little bit more? I took a knife and twisted it around the hole a bit and i think it helped but not enough. ... Any tips are welcome

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  2. Bump

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  3. Guis

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  4. Is it glass?

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  5. yes it's glass

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  6. If you're willing to fuck up a drill tip you could stick that in there and drill it at like half speed so as not to crack the glass, it might shred off some glass

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  7. #7 SkunkWoodz, Oct 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 19, 2014
    use sandpaper or diamond bits.  don't risk jamming something in there and cracking the glass.  A good method would be to roll some sandpaper around a wooden dowel (metal if you have to, just make sure it's way smaller than the hole) then insert this into a drill then start reaming the hole out.
    -the most important thing to remember when modifying glass is that patience is #1, utmost important thing to stress.  take at least twice as long as you anticipate.
  8. Agreed yeah that's probably your best bet man^

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  9. Number one rule. Don't just buy a piece because it looks cool. Whenever I go looking for a new piece, I look for a few things. Most importantly, the holes: the carb, the hole in the bottom of the bowl, and the mouthpiece. Too small, and it'll be a pain to hit, too big and the hits will be a bit rough, and you might get Scoobies. Also, check the size of the bowl. The bigger the better. Even if you won't fill it up all the way, it's nice when smoking with friends.

    Next most important factor is the thickness of the glass. Obviously too thin and it will shatter.

    Next comes design. Some glass bowls are just gutted and the whole thing fills with smoke-which I prefer. Some bowls have awesome designs, but are like solid pieces of glass with a small tunnel for the smoke to go through, which just fuckin sucks.

    Another thing I look at, is the way it feels in the hand. Sometimes the glass blower likes to put these small glass pieces on a bowl. (Like a small sized marble glued on) and sometimes they get in the way.

    AND LASTLY, I look at the design. But functionality and practicality are way more important than looks.
  10. Haha, a roll stopper :p
    Those pesky marbles!
  11. I just got some money for my birthday. I'm gonna save this and go in tomorrow and make sure everything checks out this time. I love glass, but I hope this is the last trip I have to make for a long time.

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  12. yea, for sure! Good luck and post a picture of your piece when you get it!
  13. thats what those are?! That makes sense haha but sometimes they put them near the carb, or just really bad spots that make it awkward to handle. Random question and I don't want to create a new thread. By any chance, what screen do you think would be best for bong? When I don't use a screen, the weed just gets sucked through the downstem. And I've used brass screens before and they're okay, but I've heard glass are better. Any thoughts? If thats not an area of your expertise then just ignore that question haha
  14. ive always just got the smallest brass screens I could find for my bong. Did the trick just fine

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  15. yea that's what I'm doing haha. They're mad cheap too
  16. Well, the last bong I owned was a 2 foot multi perc prescribed bong and i used a grav bowl. At least i think thats what they're called, that bowl had a very nice built in screen, i could actually pack snappers, very efficient
  17. what does a built in screen look like? I've never heard of it
  18. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413845780.767590.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413845795.850091.jpg I got a piece that looks just like the pipe with the tiny mouth hole. I was looking for something small and simple. And it hits perfectly. Thanks for the tips :)

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  19. At the bottom of the bowl, the pieces went in a cross hatch pattern #, if that makes any sense. Lik

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