The sex talk.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ItsReneeYo_, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. I got lucky because I never had the "sex" talk.
    In sixth grade, they sent home a letter saying that they would be teaching us Sex Ed and they need parent consent so my parents awkwardly and silently signed it then a week later, I pretended to learn everything I already knew lol.

  2. I learned from sex ed. When we learned about boners I was like "That happens to me" I said it multiple times and people were like "The fuck?"
    Actually you are right the parenting could of been stronger, my Mom worked 2 jobs and my dad wasn't really around (alcoholic). So I guess I pretty much raised him, I'd help him get dressed, feed him, teach him math and how to ride a bike, how to fight the bully at school and how to talk to girls. I did the best a 14 year old could do at the time I guess, but the sex thing was all him. As soon as he was old enough to walk around, he'd always take his pants off, He LOVED touching himself it was totally akward having friends over and this little boy pops out and starts singing "I'm a little tea-pot" naked and references his penis as the spout.  We had to tell him a bird would swoop down and bite it off if he kept it up, if anything so the neighbours wouldn't get upset at the naked boy running around the neighbourhood.
    I think the worst started happening when he started going to kindergarten, there were some pretty messed up kids in his school. I remember one kid, Dilly, his parents used to fight so he'd go sleep in the slide at the playground and he was 5. One kid, Stuart, his parents were distantly related and everybody knew it. He used to do the weirdest shit, and we're pretty sure he was the kid that brought the beer and cigarettes and lighters to school, my brother just thought it would be fun to do with him.
    He hasn't been sexually molested, he's just a bored kid that likes his dick and thinks girls are swell. As a man now, he still loves women and goes after it as much as he can (and he can, because he's a good looking guy) but he also  treats the woman he is with right and knows how to be in a relationship.  More importantly, he isn't running around getting STD's and making babies irresponsibly, he has a normal healthy sex life.
    I'd like to think that my sex talks had something to do with that  :smoke:
  4. #44 ByePhilipe, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2014
    You can feel the dick pulsating and twitching. It's really sexy lol.

    You will. It's inevitable. It just means air got up in your vagina. It has to go somewhere so it comes back out.

    I queef after doggy style the most. It's really odd but totally natural.
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  5. Haha oh man. I asked where babies came from when I was about 7, and got the entire response. EVERYTHING. I suspect my father has Asperger's cause he'd tell my sibling and I things at a young age that children probably shouldn't know about. War, drugs, sex, nothing was off-limits. That day I learned about penises, vaginas, intercourse, periods, pregnancy, etc.
    I got acquainted with my anatomy at a young age, too. I got frequent UTIs so my mom wanted me to be able to look at myself and tell whether or not I had an infection.
    Might have something to do with me being so sex-positive.

    You will. It's inevitable. It just means air got up in your vagina. It has to go somewhere so it comes back out. 
    I queef after doggy style the most. It's really odd but totally natural.
    Well I would think a girl would know when I came without the pulsating and twitching
    "Oooh ah ah ah aaaaaaaaaaaaah! Now im sleepy"
  7. I had it very briefly both with my mom and my dad but I was fairly young, probably around 15-16. I remember my mom telling me how girls get pregnant and how you should wear a condom. My dad said relatively the same thing, wear a condom or else you might regret it blah blah blah.
    My dad still bugs me about wearing condoms, I don't really blame him though because the amount of teenage pregnancies/mothers in this city is absolutely ridiculous. 
    I feel like a fiend after reading that.. I started jacking off when I was six  :hide:
  9. Lmao six? Jaysus man you wasted no time.
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  10. #50 ItsReneeYo_, Oct 29, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2014
    I started masterbating around 8 or 9 probably, cause you know, for girls you really dont need to know where your vagina is to masterbate. Lol
    No ma'am, I did not  :laughing:
  12. wat. you always told me you never masturbated until you were like 16 lol
  13. vaginally yeah. lol.
    there goes all my buisness.
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  14. lol soooo you were stuffing your butt hole at 8 or 9? orrrrrrrrr nahhhh
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  15. You put your penis in, you pull your penis out, you put your penis in and you shake it all about
    then you blow your wad, and then you turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.
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  16. no i was humping pillows and teddy whats wrong with you faggidiot.
  17. waow fuck you yo
  18. I got into my dad's porn collection when I was like 10.

    I'll have my guns, money, and freedom... Y'all can keep y'all's change
  19. Got the talk when my mom was banging on the door because i snuck my girlfriend in and she was being lets say a little too noisy:)

    God made Greenery & he also made the Scenerey🍁
  20. My sex talk was after I got back from Maine when I was like around 13-14ish. Me my mom and my sister were just hanging out in the kitchen...

    My sister goes to my mom "so when you having the sex talk with J.R."

    My moms response " he probably already had sex...just wear a condom"

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