The Troubling Truth Behind the Ebola Outbreak

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Earth Ling, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. I've started a few in the religion section and I'm like 70% of the posts in the NHL thread and the unpopular opinions thread (when it existed) Helped start multiple fantasy leagues, I post regularly in just about any non-conspiracy thread that catches my interest.

    Music, food, TV/movies, lgbt stuff, sex in general, occasionally politics. The philosophy section occasionally has interesting topics.

    You? Aside from these annoying threads even you barely contribute to.
    It will go well with the rest of the other threads you go to . Thanks for stopping by.
    Like i said, if you dont like the threads i post then Do Not go to them. Its as easy as that. If you dont like me as a person, then thats your own problem.
  4. Its crazy the amount of people who dislike my posts to an extent were lynching begins, yet we live in a world with secrecy,wars,pollution,famine,police brutality, etc,   but instead, attack Earthling and or his posts .... Interesting and now do you see why i continue
  5. #25 iAmBetty, Oct 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2014
    Edit: meh
  6. Lol lynching. You're just an all around extremist huh?

    We want you to discuss your topics. We constantly try to get you to. But you're content with just spamming the forums.

    Why is that hard to understand? Why are you turning this into something it's not? Claiming we don't like your posts. Lmfao. Gotta play the victim right ?
  7. We already have a martyr
  8. More than you ever will, I help people instead of filling their mind with articles then not backing up or discussing said article.

    I've given knowledge, insight and honesty to just about everything I post here.
    What does any of that stuff have to do with you and your spam? We're all just tired of your shitty and biased threads.
  10. Lets burn this bitch to the ground.
    You gave me a bunch of tips on eating pussy, that's worth more than anything OP posts :laughing:
  12. It's like earthling doesn't want to understand what you guys are tryin to tell him. Lol.

    and he think he's smart by posting these essays that nobody reads... Lol x2

    this is my signature. Right here.
  13. anyone else think ebola in this case was given to people via the red cross shots, in effort to get boots in africa and eventually get rothschild currency there?
  14. No
    [​IMG]     [​IMG]    [​IMG]
  16. when was that pic taken?
    Where do people get these ideas? Infowars?
    Who knows? I guess it's easier -- and a lot more fun -- to believe some cockamaime story than to actually study an issue and sort out what sounds reasonable, what sounds like bullshit, and make a fair conclusion.
  19. Probably, that shit is bad for people's sanity. It's no better than the nut job on the corner of the street yelling "the end is near".

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