How to approach a female on campus?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by hippydreamn__865, Oct 9, 2014.

  1. So on campus there is this really beautiful female I see around campus, we look at each other sometimes. This girl is just so pretty I want to talk to her. I need help approaching her though. By the way she walks VERY fast. I was going to today but Jesus, this girl takes big steps and walks so fast.... I don't want to run up behind her and scare her or anything.
  2. catch up to her and say hey whats up.
    mi nombre es _____
    cuál es su nombre?
    if she spanish and all dat. lul
  3. Get one of these [​IMG]
    also wear a helmet so she know's you use protection.
  4. #4 jas43, Oct 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2014
    Make sure you get a shit ton of enthusiastic consent before approaching.
    Otherwise watch out.
    Yer a potential raper.
  5. does that thing come with a stick to fend off the bitches?
  6. After a class with her leave out the main door about 3 minutes early.

    Watch from behind a tree while pretending to be on the phone with your back towards the door.

    Wait for the group to leave and strategically cut her off and say

    "Haaaaaave you ever seen a more beautiful day?! Hi I'm (insert name)

    Be casual with conversation. Don't press a "status" or relationship. Now says it's about being progressive and interesting. She wants you to be different and remember, every girl deep down wants someone to love her for who she is.

  7. Also they are bitches, not females ;)

  8. Play her this:
  9. "sup bitch"
    lol no don't do that.. 
  10. Whip your dick out and start twirling it like a helicopter
  11. That is sold separately. 
  12. Just find a way to talk to her. 
    "Hey, I've seen you on campus and I think you're really beautiful and I'd love to take you out some time. What have you got to lose?"
    Being forward always helps. Don't fucking stutter. Girls hate guys who are little bitches, why do you think they're always attracted to over-confident dickheads? Not because they're dicks, but because they know what they want. And, if she's as good looking as you say, I'd hurry up or someone else will ask her.
    You come across as a professional stalker/rapist. 
  14. I thought it was "me llamo" but what the hell do I know I'm not Spanish
  15. "Ammature"

  16. #16 *ColtClassic*, Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 20, 2014
    Kickstand at full attention.
    'nombre' is number.
    'llamo' is name. You are correct.
  17. #17 Lenny., Oct 20, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2014
    Nah dude, nombre is name. Llamo is a conjugate of call. Como se llama literally translates to "what do they call you/what are you called" 
    Lol, that shows how much I paid attention in first year Spanish class. Oh well, I tried.
    I'm learning Portuguese right now, and its frustrating knowing some Spanish, but having completely different pronunciation for very similar words.
  19. Be careful what you wish for :yay:
    Do your homework
    Find out what interests her and get a book on it (MAKE SURE YOU CLIFF NOTE IT)
    Accidently bump into her and let it fall to the ground, or place it somewhere so she will see it
    Maybe she'll make the move

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