What if the internet stopped?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Chris221, Oct 7, 2014.

  1. Then we get ketchup

  2. A great example of how dependent and lazy we are
  3. LOL killed it! Like the pic too LOL
  4. it only been widely used for like 10 yrs I think we would survive
  5. Of course we will be fine. Some of us anyway lol.
  6. revert back to the early 90's
  7. Not the fashion though LOL that can stay in the closet for all i care
    it wasn't the most flattering times for fashion but it sure was comfortable! 
    you are right though, it can stay away but the music can come back.
  9. Yea some of the music is great. Compared to todays music :shivers:
    the jordans was nice  :confused_2:
  11. Ok the shoes can stay too.. Jst get rid of the clothes! Theres already enough hipsters as it is :-O
  12. lmao at that fucking picture.

    Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum:blaze:
  13. I know right i love it lol
  14. I honestly would hate to live without it.

    Sent from my~★☆Continuum Transfunctioner☆★
  15. People would start using BBS again. :smoking:
  16. BBS?

    Sent from my~★☆Continuum Transfunctioner☆★
  17. Rather no internet than no pot
  18. #38 Nerd139, Oct 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 13, 2014
    Let's see society as we know it would crumble. There would be chaos. Satellites wiuld fall out of orbit. Nations would be unprepared for attacks. Nations would be unable to coirdinate attacks with the same efficacy. Power grids would fail. Supplies would have a hard time being delivered. Many important things rely on being able to access some form of the internet for one reason or another. We'd recover because there are physical records and data would still be able to be accessed physucally but there would be a huge adjustment period as we go back to the old ways of doing things.

    Lots more junk mail
  19. This why we shouldnt be fckng around with things in space. As for the rest, it was done hundreds of years ago by our ancestors and they managed to get by without what we have today so im sure well get through it. We just have to HARDEN THE FCK UP AND STOP BEING SO WEAK!
  20. #40 -Martyr, Oct 13, 2014
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2014
    You clearly don't understand how the internet works.

    A gross assumption that the whole of western civilization has to be recluses to indulge in technology. Technology is a large reason people are social. People just build up this general picture of what someone who is even slightly nerdy is, just like people make assumptions that all stoners live in their mom's basements and have no ambition in life.
    Yeah, because interaction with humans on a day to day basis, excluding technology, doesn't drive people to suicide all the fucking time right? People are never bullied, beaten, tormented, or antagonized to the point of hanging themselves, cutting. I feel like the majority of people in this thread honestly just talk out of their ass. How about some actual perspective as to the joke you made about suicide:

    1) Suicide's not a joke, at least not one people would find that funny, even hypothetically.

    2) If they were to commit suicide, it'd be totally understandable, if you're not looking at it from this superficial simplistic level as if people are giving up chips and dip for the rest of their lives. The internet at this point is essentially a sentient entity in our society that enhances our quality of living and the effectiveness at which we can do things. It's responsible for storing, transferring, and allowing for the continued work of researchers, technologists, doctors, medical specialists, scientists, activists, meterologists, and even average every day individuals who just utilize it as a means to maybe keep up with friends and relax. If you could simply get rid of the internet, which at one point you could, but it could have only been done by an extremely knowledgeable hacker thinktank group that went by The L0pht in the late 90's. They testified as a group before Congress and declared that they could shut down the internet in 30 minutes or something to that effect. This was merely to point out just how "broken" or flawed the internet was during those early stages. This is not the case in 2014. In fact the internet has become so complex, not just in terms of structure, but in terms of cryptography, the groups that hold significance influence over it, and the corporations whoring it, that no one's really at a point where they're going to sabotage the greatest thing for mankind since the wheel.

    Like anything, the internet is a tool and there is negativity or bad that is bred from it, but man hasn't become weaker by utilizing it. Such a senseless accusation to make, as if man was ever actually that strong to begin with. Any and all reasons we have even been able to thrive as a species, is because of our ability to perceive, think, and rationalize. That being said, the creation of something like the internet, was almost "fated" to happen. Don't work harder; work smarter. That's something man has always aspired to do, whether it was applied to hunting or the strategic game of war. We weren't better people in the 50's/60's when technology was much less of a factor. In fact most of western civilization were still bigots, there was a lack of necessary information which kept people ignorant, and people were more brainwashed by Uncle Sam than they are now- and some people are pretty fucking brainwashed in 2014. Technology changed that- it gave people a voice, the ability to research and to call bullshit on politicians, corporations, and law-makers, as as such western civilization actually did retain some ongoing process to becoming more civil. The issue of ethics in this country is definitely thrown around more now than it ever has before. People are empathetic towards just about any and every cause you could imagine as a result of information sharing.
    So for the people in here who think they are smart, enjoy the lack of progress in medicine that will help you live when you get sick. Enjoy not knowing what's happening in the world. Enjoy the fact that an asteroid could be headed for us and we'd be no smarter than the dinosaurs in our disappearance from this planet (although I think this has been discredited and some believe it was a major climate shift brought on by a meteor/asteroid). This is not man being "strong" by not leaning on technology. This is man being at his weakest state- a slave to environment and his own general ignorance.

    Again, no clue how the internet works.
    Tim Berners Lee is still fucking alive for fucks sake. Let's humor people for a second and say the internet disappeared. There are now a couple hundred people, instead of just one man, who are capable of rebuilding the internet. There are several projects, including Tor, which have such talented and technologically advanced workers, that it'd be a joke to think that this was even something that could happen. The internet is essentially guarded and favored by mathematical law at this point. That's why the most the government could ever do was utilize the internet as a tool, despite the fact that it is also used as a tool against them. If they could have nipped it in the butt in the early 90's, they would have. But at that point, the internet was already a central tool in advancing our Space program and the whole of our society. Issues of hacking also were quite frequent in Australia and the UK during this time, but it took much longer for American systems to even start being penetrated (a couple by Julian Assange when he was a fucking teenager), and thus the government didn't necessarily see any antagonization until the internet was already at a point of non-reversibility. Technology advances at tremendously fast pace... generally faster than orders of magnitude demand. Do you really think now that we're at a point where we're developing quantum processors and computers, that cyberspace is going to implode? No. The internet's going to keep progressing because of this.

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