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Crohns disease experiences (also loss of appetite/nausea)

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Rhymesayers420, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. #381 Crony, Mar 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2015
    I love it when mo fos try to come down on me and ruin my vibes and shit. Trying to ruin my day.
    Like... do you have any idea about the battles I have to face... on a daily basis? Shit don't faze me man.

    I hear you man...
    my favorite is when people want to compare their issues with mine...
    "oh yeah I have stomach problems too..."
    lol like ok man... w/e. they don't know.
  3. It's best when your own family does it :) I got the "either go to class or get a fucking job and get out of the fucking house" from my dad a few months after I developed Crohn's. He gets it now though
  4. My friends and family all understood pretty well after I had laid waste (pun intended) to their bathrooms for an hour or so.
    "Aww...Geez man, thought you said you were getting treatment. Wow!"
    Teach me and I will remember. Show me and I will understand. Haha!
  5. #385 Rhymesayers420, Mar 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2015
    Hey guys, meant to post this sooner, but for those who have struggles with their energy and can't drink coffee anymore, I have found over the last month or two that yerba mate is the best alternative. They have it in bags similar to coffee and when it's loose leaf like that you can even put it in the coffee maker (1.5 tsp per cup of water). I'll post links and pics soon. You can find it at pretty much any health food stores. Yerba mate is known to have several health benefits as well as be super energizing.
  6. Never was one for energy drinks but what's it taste like? Whatever you can relate it to most. I don't know if anybody here has dairy issues but almond soy milk tastes really good when it's cold otherwise the warmer it gets the more like almonds it tastes and gives me 0 problems
  7. #387 Rhymesayers420, Mar 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2015
    tbh, when I mix it with honey and lemon and throw it over ice it tastes just like iced tea. but I try to avoid the lemon juice so usually I just drink it straight and it just tastes like a lighter unsweetened tea. in the morning hot with some honey would be perfect if you like coffee hot.
    i just say avoid lemon because it seems to give me major problems.
    just a quick article about the benefits
    I can personally attest to the focus one for sure. It really helps me sort out my stoned thoughts when I'm in class or have to use a fair amount of brain power. Fantastic alternative to coffee [​IMG]
  8. Hmm I don't know about that. Anything that's immune system boosting sounds like Crohn's disease boosting to me + I don't need my GI system being more active or eating less lol I'll try it but it doesn't sound like it's a good alternative
  9. I'm just telling you from experience that I can't even drink coffee without feeling sick and being in pain; but with this stuff I have energy and no pain from it. Tbh every time I try new things I research it associated with Crohn's and see what other people have to say. Just my 2 cents.
  10. I can't stand coffee either, mainly its just the caffeine that gets to me. So I try to stay away from all forms of caffeine... 
    When I wake up I just chug like two bottles of water, because the 8 hours I go during the night without any is enough to dehydrate the shit outta me and I can usually feel it in the AM..  :/
  11. Bump
    I've been overloaded with work lately but other than that I feel better and better everyday Crohn's wise
    I hope everybody is
  12. It's been a good while since I've updated in here. lol
    Had a rough patch there for a while with stress. Definitely aggravates the overall symptoms of our illness. 
    I have since put all bullshit aside and am feeling fantastic. My skin issues have all cleared up and I look good now finally. 
    Still doing my injections, and vaping cannabis to deal with side effects. 
  13. Glad to hear you're doing ok Crony.
    Pentasa didn't work 100% for me and it's hella expensive so I got an apt in less than a week to finally get on prednisone.
    been wakin' up in the mornings sick as hell lately. it's full blown again :(
  14. I had a bit of a rough patch too.. Although it was kind of self inflicted. Went on vacation to the Dominican Republic for a week and binged on the all inclusive food and booze a bit too much... And cigars. Got home and a few days later had the shits.. Pretty sure I had some form of food poisoning, which doesn't go well with crohns. Took about 2 weeks for my stomach to be back in good sorts. I blame it partially on not being able to smoke weed down there, because drinking and eating bad doesn't bother me half as much when I can smoke.
    Lesson learned. Going to Jamaica next year so I can smoke and not drink so much :p
  15. That sucks man. My brother used to be on Pentasa too, although it worked wonders for him, but his disease is very mild and manageable usually without meds anyway.

    Have you tried eating a diet high in omega 3? I find the anti inflammatory effects of omega 3 to do wonders for my crohns. Avoid anything with omega 6 though, as that has been speculated to be an inflammatory and can worsen things. Also avoid gluten, as that has been proven to have inflammatory effects as well (odd for me to say that too, I hate the people who eat a gluten free diet, but only those who have no good reason for it. Gluten is not the devil to the majority of people, they just think it is).

    I hope you get things under control soon. I'm on a low dose of Imuran (by choice, doc told me it's too low for my body weight but I prefer pain over the cancer, liver failure, and infections higher doses of this drug are known to cause) but it works wonders for me. It's basically a step down from Humira in the immunosuppressive drugs. Maybe ask your doc about it?
  16. If any of you guys suffer from dehydration like me I'd recommend trying out coconut water.
    Super hydrating, loaded with vitamin C. if you can handle the taste it is an excellent subsitute to regular water and actually does a much better job with hydrating. I'm not a big fan of coconut so I have to drink mine with pineapple. Tastes pretty good!
    I've been doing some research on coconut water and crohns and it seems to help in many ways. 
    I drink like 5-8+ regular 16 oz bottles of water / day and I'm still dehydrated. One bottle of coconut water and it feels as if I just drank 8 of those bottles of water, plus the pineapple flavor gives it a much better taste than just regular water. 
    Make sure you're piss is clear! Stay hydrated! [​IMG]
    that's a good point crony. my worst problems are when I get dehydrated; which like you is pretty easy.
    I liked coconut water a while back when I tried it but I wore it out so I'd have to mix it with pineapple juice but that sounds like a great idea!
    It's more hydrating than pretty much anything from what I hear!
    yeah I've heard good things about Omegas, TBH I'm bad about taking my daily vitamins and supps as is so I need to stay on top of that.
    I'm gonna try prednisone first and hopefully when I'm in remission off that my pentasa will be cleared for co-pay assistance.
    good hearing your experiences thundermane! you got support here man
  19. Been a while since I popped in here. Been having major flare ups again, was improving quite well for 2 or 3 weeks after I went to Vancouver and bought a ton of top shelf medicine, but I've taken 5 steps back the last month a a bit. Docs got me on some more antibiotics, and he's trying to get my in for my scope since I'm coming up on one year. Been pretty dehydrated the last little while too with it warming up, I drink about a gallon and a half a day but when I wake up my mouths dry as hell and feel like I'm dying lol. Haven't been able to take my multivitamins because of the antibiotics so I've noticed drops in my energy levels as well, I have some trips planned this summer but I'm worried I'll be bumming everyone out if I still feel this way.

    Hope y'all are doing better.
    Rhymes you got a link to a journal? Hope your growing is treating ya well bud
  20. Sorry for the late reply man, things have been crazy lately. Sucks to hear about the flareups. I'm in a similar boat, getting put on a steroid. Thank God for ganja.

    It's such a testament to MJs medicinal effects because one of my wife's friends was over one night and I was having a real bad episode, ended up puking, flashes, etc. So sick. But a few hits of oil was able to stabilize me enough to carry on conversation and be chill.

    I'll post a link to my grow in a bit. Positive vibes going your way man, I feel your pain !

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