Pokes Corner

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by rain dancer, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. "A great teacher learns as much from his students, as they learn from him." ~ poke
  2. Poke's corner lives on but codswallop's thread gets shut down?

  3. That's weird!^

    Well, now THIS is your home...

    Hotel california...feel free to check out anytime....but you can never leave :devious:

  4. No.

    It's illuminati.
  5. Highdea inbound! :smoking:
    I need to invent a water proof joint.

    Joint condom :lol:

    For those times when youre in the shower and you just wanna get stoned...XD

    I imagine some guy deep sea diving smoking and coughing underwater haha

    Awesome :)
  6. #28 RED BEARD, Nov 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2014
    I always get in the shower with a j and my lady i cant remember even once we needed/wanted any kind o condom...but can you imagine tokin while scuba divin dddaaammmnnn!
  7. Lol, things get too wet for a joint when i get in the shower with my lady :p

  8. gotta be able to multitask brother! Its hard but gotta focus on both tasks at hand,lol
  9. bloom

    My mind is damaged like a plant,
    Without the nutrients it cant,
    Grow into the light it seeks,
    The branches weak, the bucket leaks,
    And from the bottom up consumed,
    No fix in sight, as if its doomed,
    No transplant helps, no bigger room,
    Systemic mold persists in bloom.
    My leaves they curl, turn and twist,
    And crumple up and fall as if,
    I need to take a clone and see.
    If he'll be free or just like me...

    Frustrates the cola and it falls,
    deforms the plant,
    Pistils and balls,
    And time is wasted,
    Peoples lives, with such surprise, bends up, then dies.

  10. #32 rain dancer, Dec 11, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2014
    Sunlight beams through clouds,
    Dust turning in the wind,
    Seeds scatter far and wide,
    And sit upon the land,
    Waiting for rain to flick them on.

    Cold and damp,
    Carried like a leaf,
    Air inside a shell
    And floating.

    The land reaches out and scoops them up,
    Babies in a basket,
    Mother earth has got you,
    Rest my little one.

    Life bursts within,
    the walls cannot contain,
    The branches or the vines,
    As roots search deeper darkness,
    Where no man has gone before.

    Reaching up and over,
    under and through,
    Grasping for the lights,
    Tug of war of life.
    A plant that dreams to fly.

    Flower peddles dance,
    Moving in the wind,
    A stalk of here am i,
    An intoxicating fragrance,
    Pick me, im yours.

    The beast cannot resist,
    And seeds are carried home.
    And buds are broken up,
    one seed escapes,
    Tumbles quickly down,
    Unnoticed upon the land,
    And waits for rain to flick it on.

    ~ poke
  11. Another pokey journal

  12. This is where i write me poetry mate. But you know, i get around :p
  13. Death

    My bloody fingers reach the peak,
    The mountain climbed seems large but weak,
    My lungs defeated, cannot speak,
    And still i grasp for life.

    I watch the dots appear and float,
    Upon my eyes,
    Like stars of old,
    Suffocation from the cold
    And still i grasp for life.

    My name in stone i carve as clear,
    As if to say, i once was here,
    The doorway, tunnel, light is near,
    And still, i Grasp for life.

    I planted seeds, i laughed and smiled,
    I smoked the herb and i freestyled,
    I lived a life as full and wild,
    No longer grasp for life.
  14. Forgot about this old place :)
    *brushes the cobwebs away, let's get this party started.

    Wait, I forgot what I was going to say...:hide:

  15. Here's a Highdea

    I need to invent a meter to measure highness.

    Ill call it, "Your highness."

  16. dude!...your so highness!
  17. #39 Deleted member 281310, Mar 17, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2015
    fuckin awesome.
    i thoroughly enjoyed that trip
    now let me commence to take a rip
    in remembrance of pokes tip
  18. Our cups runneth over and so I bleed myself onto the page,
    My blood the ink that defines the meaning of my heart.
    My sincerety was hidden for many years from the wolves,
    Who sniffed me constantly for weakness,
    To tear out the goodness of my soul.

    I remember watching scars appear and hoping they would fade with time,
    Not realizing scars are really seeds with roots to the brain and heart.
    No drugs, no drink can wash those memories away,
    Without flushing the rest of me down the drain.
    But I've no where else to put it,
    And so I build another wall to bury it behind,
    With hope that one day when the house is buried,
    A garden will flourish from the decay.

    Hope is all I have.

    I spent my childhood deep in thought, as if a sage,
    Trying to understand the reason I wasn't good enough,
    The reason love slipped through my fingers like sand on a beach.
    Only to be told my thoughts were as unique and original as was my age.

    But age convinces unique to be standard, and so the light fades with time.

    I am there like the sky is there and yet you cannot see my beauty,
    Instead you are convinced a storm is not too far away,
    And react according to your fears, justified or not.

    I relive the horror in every moment,
    the weight of the world collapsing my back
    Every time I exhale air from my failing lungs,
    Without so much as an ouch, as the nerves fire to death.

    I could cure cancer and It wouldn't be enough,
    Because the animal part of the human hungers for more,
    And depletes me fully sucking the energy from my soul.
    I see the way my eyes don't sparkle, like a blind man,
    Love has made my vision blurry,
    Or maybe those are tears, and the levy has finally broken.

    Every direction I turn my back is to a wall,
    Like a wild animal with fire being waved in front of it,
    I am always in survival mode, never fully capable of taking the next step,
    My own obstacle, sabotaging the blessings the universe has given me.

    An internal war of catastrophic proportions wages inside me, with no end in sight.
    Emergency surgery is in order once again, to save me from myself,
    As I release my grip one finger at a time,
    To face finality, and feel the fear before the end.

    I pray for peace.

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