Ghosts are just people from parallel universes

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by kushykushkush, Oct 2, 2014.

  1. Have you ever thought about dimensions? Well what if when you get into the 10th dimension you start crossing over into other parallel universe. Like what if the people who die have another life in different universe but left something behind so they are in like purgatory sort of because they are still harboring some sort of emotion in this life. Crazy idea probably not true but still crazy.
  2. I like the idea, but for some reason, I don't believe in ghost and I have yet to see one. I've heard people say they've seen a ghost but why haven't I seen one yet?
  3. I for one have had enough supernatural shit happen most would think I'm crazy if I even began explaining...
    I totally agree that these "beings" are able to almost transport multidimensionally and certainly do have a sense of intelligence and awareness. I think a lot of indigenous cultures already knew this, and most of this knowledge which was once common, is now lost for the most part

    Sent from my Spaceship using the GrassCity App.
  4. And ouija boards open portals to those parallel universes for the ones that can't get through by themselves and no i do not a ouija board and i may never get one... They scary as fuck
  5. U need to smoke more pot mate :p
  6. I get your point of view in a way therefore you're saying having another life after death but in another dimension [Ireadwhatusaid]
    Like what if the people who die have another life in different universe but left something behind so they are in like purgatory
  7. okay go get a ouija board I hope you get haunted by a demon. You don't have to come onto someone's thread just to be an asshole. GTFO.

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