Combination of methods?

Discussion in 'Plant Training' started by patrickstarstoner, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Hi, I have some quantum kush that I want to yield the most out of and want to use a fim cut to have 6-8 shoots right from the start. After letting it heal for a couple days I'd then want to train it more using supercroping and adding silicon. I also want to scrog the plant and lollipop unnecessary leaves. So I have two questions, 1) can I use all these methods together or would it do more harm than good, and 2) is quantum kush a good strain for this grow, if not any suggestions are more than welcomed.

  2. You can use all of those techniques in fact I use all of them to grow mine through scrog though not so much on the super cropping other than to keep the runaways from getting too far away from the screen.
    Grow to about the 4th or 5th node then FIM and tie down. You would always lollipop anything below the screen after most of your growth is through it (more in the early flowering stages not in veg really). Any shoots that take off towards the light once through the screen can be supercropped to keep them in check.
    Not sure so much about your strain... I will grow anything in a scrog once so just do it man.
  3. Johnny, good advice.  This is what I am doing on my 1st legit indoor and I am liking the results.  I haven't lollipopped much as I'm hoping a couple lower branches may poke threw to the net.  In the mean time, I see the extra branches slowly dying off, and I assume they are being used as food for my tops.  As long as they aren't causing humidity issues, I keep em'.  What is your reasoning in taking off everything below the screen?   
  4. I have had male flowers appear on popcorn buds that form below the screen... I am guessing from lack of light causing a bit of stress. They are just a single male flower in a cluster of calyx and pistils but if not caught could ruin my crop. It also is good for airflow and if you do it right the leaves above the screen will be so thick and lush nothing under the screen is getting light.
    TBH I always did it because it was what "they" say to do... until I didn't do it as thoroughly as I should and ended up with a real reason to do it LOL. And once again nothing gets removed until the canopy above the screen is well on it's way to flowering.

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