The @Mention function (info)

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by RMJL, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. The @Mention function has been removed at this time since it was no longer fully functional for us. Since we have had many threads in regards to @Mention, I thought I would officially let you know that it is no longer with us.
    RIP @Mention.

  2. Good riddance...Fuckin' thing never notified me, me of all people.
    Who the hell did it think it was?! :cool:
  3. I was wondering why it wasnt working. How am I supposed to tag people now? First reps now @mention, what's next? Signatures? Avatars? Is this even going to be a weed forum anymore? :'(
  4. dude, they didn't take it away. it wasn't functioning properly. did you even read it bro?
  5. I would have thought it obvious I was just fuckin around haha
  6. too much negativity around these days, hard to tell sometimes. i take it back i swear

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