
Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by TheAlienBirdMan, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. #1 TheAlienBirdMan, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
    I need a really good idea for a spoof for smoking in my house.  I don't want my room to smell like bud...
    Can someone please let me know of the best sploof that has worked for you and what it was made out of?
    Thanks! :cool:

  2. Maybe its a Canadian thing, but we call it a sploof not spoof. Poke some holes in a pop bottle and shove 3 dryer sheets in there. Try to exhale out the window still, It wont take away 100% of the smell.
  3. go to your local head shop and pick up what ever it is that they recommend for killing the smell in your room. load only single hits, just enough to fill your lungs one time. blow smoke through sploof. when you are done use the spray you got from the head shop to clear out your room. i got one that smells like vanilla and it really works. like no shit hot damn this works.
    you might try smoking concentrates. you might try smoking through a vape.
    make a sploof:
    get a paper towel cardboard tube.
    get 8 or 10 dryer sheets.
    jam said dryer sheets into the tube.
    exhale through newly made sploof.
  4. Nah, it's an everywhere thing.
  5. Water bottle, burn 5 small holes in bottom, stuff 3-5 dryer sheets in and blow tokes threw that.  Make new one every few weeks.  Your bud stinks up the room as well so keep it shut...mason jars work wonders.
  6. There's a few ways to make a sploof:
    1) get a cardboard tube from toilet paper, put your hand over one side and start stuffing it with dryer sheets until about half way up the tube, make sure you crumple the dryer sheets so it covers more area. Then, put one last dryer sheet wrapped around the end with the dryer sheets in it and tape it together, so the other sheets don't fall out.

    Or my preferred way

    2) get a water bottle, I use the Poland spring because the plastic is thinner than desani, anyways, on the bottom, poke 5-6 holes about equally spaced. Then stuff the whole water bottle with dryer sheets to the top. IMO it's just more practical and doesn't look so shitty lol
  7. Activated carbon filters work better
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  8. Here's how to make a sploof. Pretty easy honestly, but in case you need a video to figure it out...
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. My best sploof was made from an empty drinks bottle (clean and dry) stuffed with tissue paper, aftershave and a bit of bicarbonate of soda (good for absorbing odors). I made a few small holes in the bottom and breathe out the smoke through the part where you would normally drink. I have found using a bottle to be very useful due to the fact that you can stick it out the window.
  10. I'd buy a smoke buddy
  11. Just use a vacum like in next friday

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