Vaporizing high quanitities

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by bob1t66554, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. I was wondering what the best vapes or ways are to vaporize large amounts of herbs? Which quality vapes can hold the most herbs? To be clear about the amount, I'm talking about a quarter ounce to a full ounce.

    Thanks for any answers.
  2. #2 Heroic Dose, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014 vape is going to hold a quarter oz lol. you realize you can reload it right?
    Why in the hell would you want to load up ANY device with that amount of herb?
  4. maybe he wants to get super scary stoned or share it with a group IDK seems like a waste to me too
    Sounds like OP should make some edibles. 
  5. #5 lwien, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
    Even scary stoned or multiple people, that much bud in any scenario doesn't make sense.
  6. i don't think this is what you think it is :metal:
    I'm well aware of this. I meant what is the biggest chamber vape or best method to do so...
  8. Ive heard the plenty has a big chamber, not nearly 7 grams. Bag vapes are a good way to vape with multiple people.

    If your serious about buying a vape you should probobly go to the vaporizer section and check the stickies

    If your dead set on a 7g sesh your gonna have to roll a super blunt
    You could make glycerin e-liquid juice with lots of bud and do this. 
    hehehe.............I'm stealing this vid and taking it over to FC.     Too funny.... :laughing:
  11. The excessive is amazing. That chamber looks like it holds liters.
    Now, that's something I'd use for a party in honor of worldwide legalization :) Hotbox a whole house! 

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