The Tower of Babble

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by A AnoesisOrange, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. It's so easy to lose communication. How do you get it back?

  2. #2 iAmBetty, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
    I just bought a new phone. Got a case this time.
  3. how do you lose communication in today's lifestyle?

    this aint 1920 where you have to handwrite a bigass letter with a feather dipped in ink. nah

    you reach in your pocket and a couple finger movements lets you access nearly everyone out there

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  4. Did you lose your ability to communicate, or ability to be understood?
  5. Lol they had fountain pens in the 1800's...
    Hm. I'm not really sure I can discern in the situation. We both want essentially the same thing, but there is nothing but argument, contention. We have a big situation ahead of us. We have a son due in a few weeks and we can't communicate. I guess it's really that she does not want to work together in creating a relationship that is at least healthy for the child, she just wants her way. It's gotta be a give and take sort of thing though, right? It takes two to tango. I suppose there isn't really much I can do there unless she ever decides she wants to get along enough to try and work with me.
    As for everyone else, I'm not referring to a medium of communication, I'm talking about communicating between one another and how one can not only be understood by the other party but have the other consider it.
    But then, I have to look at myself. How can I show her that I'm willing to communicate in such a way that she will feel comfortable with it and actually want to communicate?
  7. Tell her to never treat her child , or anyone for that matter, like an object. Having both parents in the child's life will help improve their mental stability, compassion and confidence. 
    I'm sure that she will eventually come to terms with that. I hate that I've had to get a lawyer but she's kind of forced my hand there, and especially considering Ga laws don't really work in my favor unless I go by the court system. Technically I have no rights to the child until I go through all that, unless she gives them to me. Sorry, it just leaves me too vulnerable to not do anything.
    I don't think that the pregnancy helps her think very clearly, either. Idk, there's a win-win here somehow. I just know it.
    Anyways, communication is tough. How do people go about improving it?

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