secondhand high question

Discussion in 'General' started by CanadianGreen42, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Say if i were to go to my buddies apartment and chill while he rips a couple bongs, is it likely for a secondhand high?
  2. ...what even is this question dude? Do you wanna get stoned or not?
  3. Almost certainly not. When I was younger, a cousin of mine and his buddies would go at it and I never got high from secondhand smoke.
    no chance.
    why not just take a hit yourself?
  5. Are you asking the effects of second hand weed smoke to you?
    If you are trying to avoid, I'd say stay away when he's toking. You won't really get high anywhere near with that amount of smoke, but you would end up smelling like you've been smoking. 

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