Alcoholism, is there a standard?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Upstatenewb, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Alcoholism is related to what kind of person you are, if you have an addictive personality, alcoholism will most likely take a hold of you, if you are the kind of person who drinks only once in a while then it's not really a problem. Alcoholism is where you are dependent on alcohol to get through your day, where you keep drinking regardless of the problems it causes you, your whole life basically revolves around the bottle.

  2. Dude are u fucking serious? You're obese and smoke cigarettes and are an alcoholic, but u don't think you have a problem? Im not even gonna bother explaining how you have a problem, because its incredibly obvious, but I'd bet a fucking house you have underlying psychological issues that you need to deal with immediately.
  3. Alcoholism is very subjective. I'm not here to judge, I consider myself an alcoholic.
    Personally I can't have a few beers with friends. If we order a beer with lunch im ordering 4, and then buying a 12 pack after and finishing them by 5 in the afternoon, and then ask someone to drive me to a liquor store so I can buy a bottle. Once I start, there is no shutoff valve until I pass out at about 3AM. I was a daily drinker, and my tolerance got higher and higher. I used to be happy with a 6 pack of 12 ounce cans. By the end of my drinking career I could drink 20 16 ounce cans.
    That to me is a problem. It cost a shitload of money and wasn't healthy. I literally could not go a day without booze. I don't go a day without craving one, and I hate it.
    I still drink a few times a month, and id drink more if it wasn't for weekly ETG alcohol piss tests. They can detect it for up to 6 days.
    When I can smoke weed again i'm gonna stay off the booze. I have an addictive personality, and weed isn't physically addictive. So ill stick to weed and drinking maybe once a month. 
    Like iv said before, Once I take my first drink, I have no off switch. Iv been told by friends that they have seen me 18 drinks in and ill chug the rest of the bottle, only to get right back up and look for more alcohol. Its a hell of a drug. I don't think iv ever drank less than at least 8 at a time.
  4. Do you know him personally?

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  5. Eh I drink more than I should, I suppose. I'm not going to say when I start during a day but I mostly think it's out of boredom. Since I drink more I've changed beers and stuff- lower alcohol content and such. I'd say my functional alcoholism has changed my 40 dollar bottles of wine to 11 dollar boxes and my 9 dollar 6-packs to 18 dollar cases. I never really get drunk but I always have a drink in my hand. I think it would be a bigger problem if I switched to hard liquor. Believe me I want to, but I don't..
    If you feel fine with what you're doing than you're fine. You'll know when it's a problem. That nagging voice in you won't shut up! But do take vitamin b-12 and b-1 and milk thistle because no matter what you're drankin it's hard on your body and brain

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  6. You can say you don't act differently and it's not anyone else's business, it's not their life....

    That there is denial.

    These are people you love and who love you, you're pushing them away because you "like drinking".... So, you like pushing people away?

    If it negatively effects your life in ANYWAY, you're an alcoholic.

    Normally, I'd say disregard what they say, but it seems like multiple people agree. You might want to ponder that for a bit.
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