I bought a new pipe recently, need name ideas?

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by kellyyann, Sep 30, 2014.

  1. Well about two weeks ago my boyfriend and I decided we wanted a new piece so we headed to a local head shop. When we arrived my boyfriend fell in love with a specific piece. After a few smoke sessions he decides he doesn't want to share it anymore and wants it to be just his piece! lol So I went to the head shop again yesterday and decided I'll get a piece for my own too. I fell in love this beautiful bowl. Any name suggestions? it reminds me of space and as the res builds up, the end of the bowl starts to look like swirls of smoke.


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  2. Kelly Pipes?  :confused_2:
  3. Kelly's Spacely Pipe!
  4. Dawson's Creek
    or just Dawson
  5. the front of the bowl looks like an eye ball.
    so how about HighBall
  6. Call it whatever you call his penis and call it that each time you take a hit. Let's say you call it Mike after his junk take a hit and say oh Mike he will be all like hey you love my D so much you called named your pipe after it. Say yes I did and from now on this is the only Mike going in my mouth since you won't share your pipe with me.

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  7. #9 otroo, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
    You could always call it your mother then ask if he wants a hit off your mother.

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    I was being serious so why don't you grow up little one.

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    Oh am pm me if you want to call names and be a jerk so you don't derail this thread. You coward.

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