Porn is a Serious, Downplayed Addiction

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by ReturnFire333, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. #1 ReturnFire333, Sep 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2014
    I've come to the conclusion that pornography of any form, be it video, imagery, soft core, etc,  is unhealthy and can be an addiction. Porn wires your brain that sexual pleasure comes from watching a computer screen, and creates sexual desires that are abnormal and unhealthy for relationships. Porn also creates sexual desires and views that you would not likely have if you didn't watch. It can also negatively affect libido and erectile health at a chemical level in the brain.
    Porn actors are paid people who do extra-ordinary things for money. People should not come to want or expect the things they see in porn from their partner, porn scenes are extreme, nasty, and degrading to a loving relationship. Sexuality in a relationship should be allowed to develop naturally, on the basis of love.
    There is also growing evidence on the effect of porn and its impact on erectile disfunction, and its effects on the brain. Research is said to point to desensitization to flesh and blood partners because of the novelty of being able to see multiple potential "sex partners" with the ease of a click.
    an excerpt from a post I made on a support forum
    Sex is one aspect of a multitude of aspects, most of which are non sexual, to a relationship. I've decided that I do not want to focus on the sexual side of a relationship. I want that to develop naturally. I do not want my sexual life to be defined from P scenes with paid actresses who do extra-ordinary things for money. I do not want to view a future girlfriend sexually like a Pstar. In a way P creates views for you instead of developing naturally. Step 1 to beating a P addiction is admitting that you are addicted, and that you do not want to treat your partner like a P star, you don't want your sex life to be like a paid movie with no emotional love. Someone here said it best that the things we see in P are things that no one should expect of a partner that they love, it's simply unusual and degrading. 
    If you are interested in the negatives of pornography and its effects on the brain and want to take a closer look at yourself like I have, take a look at and this Ted Talk by Gary Wilson, there is a lot of ground covered.

    I know I'm touching on a subject that will probably catch me flak for saying, but I'm prepared to take the possible blind insults and actually discuss this issue. I've decided to eliminate porn from my life for the rest of my life.

  2. I bet OP will fold quicker than superman on laundry day..

    Wraaaap the night around me, blanket of black on my back, I feel safe in the darkness...
    I can tell you I won't. I'm at a point in my health where I have no choice but to abstain and recharge.
  4. I would definitely agree. Taking any cues from any sort of media for how sexuality or how woman should be viewed or treated is dangerous.

    It's all about making money. It's barely authentic. One of the best sexual experiences I ever had, this guy gently traced his fingers over my whole entire body. Me did this for maybe 5 minutes or so. He gently kissed me and really treated me like a rose. Then he fucked me really slow and he was so patient but precise with everything that he did as if every touch or grasp was on purpose. Not just grabbing all willy nilly everywhere.

    Porn doesn't teach people how to please. It teaches people that they should be pleased.

    Most porn usually leaves out the most important part of sexual experience which is what happens before you even have sex. How do you get your partner aroused? How do you connect with them on a deeper level so that you can be in tune with their desires?

    Porn is all about getting a nut. Yeah, getting a nut is important but most women don't even reach orgasm and men wonder why.

    Well, maybe because most men take their cues from porn or from their friends instead of from the woman that they're with.

    Now, I'm not super anti porn but I would say that's it's damaging. It always escalates. I'm remember being 13 and getting off to HBO porn and now at 24, I need the most ridiculously sexually graphic visual I can get to be aroused.

    Fuck that, man. Unplug and tune in to a woman's body. A real body with real feelings.
  5. #5 hibodharma, Sep 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2014
    Nearly every book on spirituality says the same thing about a man's semen: it is his vital life force energy, and if you ejaculate often, you lose nutrients, your power & potency. Through tantric practices, one can channel the energy up the spine and into ones chakras, bringing rejuvenating and healing energies. Truly practiced people can orgasm without ejaculation, reaching ecstatic states.
    Books are one thing, but what about real life? I don't masturbate much at all anymore, and i notice that I have much more 'natural energy' (like when you get up in the morning, you feel fine and want to tackle the day). You can channel your sexual energy into making music, art, sports, weightlifting, whatever your passions are. Or save it up for a while and have huge orgasms later!
    Porn is a major problem because it weakens men who sit on the computer getting their sexual needs met, when they could be honing their skills (communication, sexual, etc) with a woman. Also, porn is fake, the girls are often faking orgasms, and it desensitizes guys to real sex. Porn is mostly made for guys so women are losing out, plus they don't respect men who sit on the computer wanking it to pictures or videos. Like anything, too much porn is poison to the body, spirit & mind.
    Maybe a teenager who is not in a sexual relationship could watch a little porn and get some energy release, but I don't think it's something to become accustomed to. Get off the computer, go outside and meet some real women. You know, talk face to face... My generation (boomers' kids) definitely need more social skills and less screen time!
  6. I feel like I one of very few people who isn't so porn crazed. Of course I had my stage when I was like 14-16. But now I rub one out or watch porn maybe once or twice a week. And I'm very picky with what I watch. Nothing extreme or weird. I like the more sensual real-sex-like porn
  7. I been masturbating for 20 years. Is not the porn fucking my life up is my stupid decisions when it comes to choosing woman. It seems like every woman I get with is a sex addict. They some freaks. But in reality I always felt the same way about porn. This how I see it. U either fucking the brains out of a woman and be the pornstar. Or u gonna be looking at some fine looking hoes on porn. And beat your meat. Either way buddy. U gonna be ok. Plenty of times we used porn as excuse to deal with life kinda like is your privacy time. But I guess now a days since porn is so free in the internet. People cant stop masturbating no more.

    Just my opinion buddy. Remember jerk off my save your life one day. One more thing. I smoke a lot of pot. Sometimes I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about.
  8. Why can't I like porn and be a perfectly normal human being that isn't sexual depraved? I watch porn everyday and it doesn't make me want to do things I normally wouldnt. It hasn't given me these sick sexual fantasies. I love having sex with a woman. If you can't distinguish watching porn by yourself and having sex with someone especially someone you care about then you probably shouldn't be watching porn. Don't try to demonize something because people can't keep their shit together. Personal responsibility man I tell you I hope it makes a comeback. Until then
  9. Porn is ok in teenage years until you get a girlfriend.
    If you're in your 30's wanking to 18-year-olds in your mother's basement, then there's a problem.
  10. You are like a super saiyan

    Good luck OP

  11. I bet you watch the freakiest porn, don't lie ;)

  12. I am the same. It can take like 30 minutes to find the right shit to get me going.
  13. Your argument is dumb. Its like saying don't watch movies because it'll skew your view of reality.

    Some people like porn and some don't, and that's cool.
    What's lame is when you start calling something a detriment to society because you don't like it. Get off your high horse op.
  14. You better bet that if there's no putang around im gonna be rubbing one out haha. If that booty call falls through you know....
  15. I dont see that as a problem if your 30 and dont pay your child support or have 7 kids with 5 different woman. And be an asshole who abuses his wife.

    But I mean thats fine. Because hey at least im not jerking off because thats for kids.
    Read the science behind it, it's not my high horse it's science.
  17. I looked at love from both sides now. And even if emotional lovemaking is rewarding, I'd rather be alone and jack off to porn, than put up with some fucked up bitches menustration tantrums.
    If I can feel on top of the world with the girl while we are not in bed (which is rare), then no porn is needed. But all I have to do once is leave the toilet seat up by accident and oh boy do I hear about it. I'd rather be alone and have porn.
  18. Sorry, I didn't see anything about science in your op, just some opinions and judgment.

    In this argument, the burden of proof lies on you sir.

    So send me some links.

    And I'm talking peer reviewed studies here dude. Because anyone can find some "science" articles that say whatever they want.

    Have a good day dude!
  19. Ahhahahaha! Just watched your ted talk and I can say, absolutely the worst one ive ever seen. Poorly drawn conclusions, a lot of speculation. This dude knows nothing about his topic (assuming teenage boys constantly watching porn since age 10l


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