
Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Koh, Sep 28, 2014.

  1. In your opinion, is there any repercussion for engaging in morally wrong behavior, legality aside. Certainly morally good and bad actions differ, but do you believe in a karma, a reap what you sew type of idea? 

  2. #2 Lenny., Sep 28, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
    You can be ostracized from the community in which you live, making it very difficult to participate in society. No one will want to do business with you, employ you, rent you out a house, etc.
  3. Karma is a pattern. a pattern which exists within all life. all shapes and forms.
    There are reprecussions to every action in life that you choose to take. there will be negative and positive ones.
    Basic principles of living really.
    If your afraid of engaging in unethical, or un-moral behavior, just keep in mind that there will always be consequences. good and bad.
    Human perception is definitively evil. While it is also definitively the opposite.
  4. Karma isnt just do right and you get to a heaven, its about how your actions reverberate back on yourself. I believe in something that is a mix between nondenominational and the karma thought processes. I believe that as long as you live this earth having created more positive energy than negative, most likely if there is something out there he will respect you, and if not hey you made people happy while you were here right? 
    Now the problem comes with you must judge for yourself what is negative and positive energy. I believe Negative energy is caused by an action that causes any suffering to another creature, and positive is giving job to another creature. Anything done to oneself mostly give out a neutral energy. 
    Or i could be wrong but at least when i die hopefully people wont think im an asshole 
  5. For every action there is a reaction

    Evil is a little.subjective, the better question is what is morality

    Morality the the behaviors that a mutually beneficial across society, like not killing eachother.

    Do on to others as you would have done to you

    That being said, yes I agree with Lenny. Justice transcends law

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  6. #6 The Stud, Oct 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 2, 2014
    I believe in 'every action has a reaction' I don't believe in 'Bad actions bring bad karma' Or 'Good actions bring good karma'.
    To me it seems like it can go both ways, depends on the action. 'Bad actions brings good karma' 'Good actions bring bad karma'
    I suppose it depends on what you put in the word karma.
    The mind is a poweful tool if utilized correctly. What I view as bad, someone else might view as great or even good. 
    If there is no higher power, when you die you die. You are gone forever, and the only thing remaining of you will be your actions, and the memories people have of you. Does it really matter what you did in your life? If you did good or bad? (WHO decides what is good or bad?) At the end , maybe all you care about is how great you led your life. Sure you killed millions with your industry, but you yourself led a great life. You were happy, maybe you were even doing the world good. In your own head that is. Now you are there, close to the end. Maybe you believe in something, maybe you don't. If you never believed in something you might not fear death even when you know 'this is it'. If you do believe, maybe you have always justified doing what you have done by religion. Maybe you really believed it. Now that you stare death in the eye, are you still as certain about the after-life as you always have been. Or do thoughts come creeping? Thoughts about all the non-believers, of all the evidence. What will you feel then? 
    I'm trying to get to a point here, but it turns out to be not easy. Basically perception. What is evil? It depends on who you ask. Ask some of the people in the islamic state, you will have one answer. Ask us 'civilized' westerns and the answer will probably be completely different. Perception is everything. I would not be able to live with myself if I had killed or hurt people, but I understand that others might not have any problems with it. 
    Edited to add more shit cause I got high
  7. No. Good and evil is defined by society and is not absolute.
    Here are some things that used to be "good" but are now not.
    - human sacrifice
    - polygamy
    - slavery
    - killing games (gladiators)
  8. #8 yurigadaisukida, Oct 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2014
    No good and evil are objective

    "Do to others as you would have done to you"

    Killing isn't evil just because society said. Killing is evil because no one wants to be killed

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  9. Evil is live spelled backwards and that's as far as I can penetrate ethics.
  10. I think the acts of evil are most likely biological. I recall where they put Serial Killers into MRI machines showed them imagines of what would be considered happy, family etc. Rather then hitting there centers of there brain that show happiness it fired off rage, agression.
    When they put what is considered normal people into it the expected areas of the brain that deal with happiness, love etc all fired off. It was pretty interesting. They do alot of studies with babys and with no learning yet they display introverted extroverted personalities, etc etc.
    At our core were all animals and that drives alot of our behavior. Alot deals with what you do for a living as well and your value system. We would like to think otherwise though.
    Most people who say you "reep what you sow"..."what comes around goes around"..."karma" generally are on the shitty end of the stick and its there last ditch response as a morale boster for there shattered egos and such. Its like money is not everything but sure does solve most of my problems. For those who beg to differ you most likey do not have any. Doesn't solve everything but it sure does solve most of them.
  11. Yeah, I think that's kind of my point.
    Good and evil are not absolute. They are determined by the majority.
  12. To me morality is what religion deems right and wrong. Furthermore, I find what is ethical is avoiding activities that cause harm to people or a person, without a just cause or reason. And i find right and wrong to be subjective, does a old man deserve to be beaten for money, no. But say that old man is a pedophile and raped little girls and was getting his ass beat on the street, i'd have no problem walking pass it letting it continue, I might even join in. Also, i feel like psychopaths are more likely to be violent criminals but not all of them are, only some of them are the serial killers you hear about on the news doing some fucked up shit. But violent criminals also result from their environment, some of these serial killers have gone through some though shit, like having your dad beat or molest you would deffinetly fuck you up, psychopath or not. So i'd like to think biology does give you some predispositions toward certain attributes but I feel environment gives the same influence upon ones actions. But if you think karma exists think of all the bad people who've gotten away with tons of stuff, hitler killed himself but before that he caused the deaths of millions of innocent jews, did he get what he deserved, no he should have been tortured and put through the most painful experiences if karma existed. Or how about the innocent people who starve to death since they can't get food, did they deserve that? To me karma is stupid, life goes up and down, it's like a roller coaster that no one controls or knows how it'll end up. Relying on a comfort someone will get what they deserve is a fallacy, if you want to see action, cause that action.
  13. Good and evil things have happened since the beginning to time, it's the nature of existence.  There's just as much light on any given day as there is darkness.  This goes for everything in life.  Your perception of what is good/evil is usually where the problem resides.  We live in this physical existence to observe the good and the bad.  You wouldn't know what a beautiful flower looked like if it weren't for the mud beneath it.  Let the play of good/evil energies play and dance about without any judgement.  "But thats not how it's supposed to be" ....according to whom?  Us?  lol  Who do we think we are anyways!  :)
  14. No one wants to go to hell either, does that make sending people to hell evil? 
  15. #15 yurigadaisukida, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
    yes if hell existed that would make God evil

    But everyone already know God doesn't exist

    Is it a definite answer in your opinion? Killing people is evil?
  17. #17 SlowMo, Oct 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2014
    The nature of a person's experience of the reality of, and distinction between, "good" and  "evil" is a mental phenomena that can be clinically altered with suitable stimulation to particular locations in the brain. It can be altered pharmacological as well as using probes and TMS-like devices. Our entire sense of right and wrong, good and bad, in essence, our conscience, can be drastically altered and in some cases even destroyed by suitable injury to the head.
    Does that mean that "good" and "evil" result from some particular sets of brain functionality rather than as things in their own right? That is, do they ONLY exist as subjective descriptions, mere mental pigeonholes (symbolic relationships) in our brain's wiring and firing patterns, as opposed to having an external, objective existence as the "actual things" that our brains routinely try to symbolize, relate, and mentally pigeonhole?
    Not necessarily. Our descriptive tags usually refer to things (as well as actions), so I suppose there could exist some "thing" that has two antithetical yet quite complimentary, Yin-Yang like aspects that we all sort of agree to pigeonhole (classify) as "good" and "evil". In that case, I suppose one could argue that the brain is wired to perceive and experience that sort of light/dark reality, just as it's wired to perceive and experience the light-dark contrasts of our visual world. Our methods of temporarily or permanently altering that good-evil brain apparatus, by whatever means, would be no different than artificially stimulating or damaging the visual cortex to produce hallucinations or even blindness.
    I'm not really arguing for or against either relativism or absolutism. Especially given the fact that even though brains produce experience, in a wonderfully complimentary fashion, they're also molded by it. 
  18. To answer your question no. I've seen so many people do bad things over and over and they always come out smelling like roses. Maybe there's something going on behind the scenes that I don't see but I don't think that's how it works. Karma is bullshit
  19. yes

  20. i don't engage in that kind of behavior because it doesn't produce results. Not the ones i want. And it Wastes my time.  :smoke:

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