Do you think the education system is used to keep people down?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by letsmokeasweet, Sep 27, 2014.

    This is what I'm trying to say.
    It's not 'force' when parents make decisions for their children, because they are rightful guardians of the child.
    When the state does it (they did not give birth to the child, nor directly care for it), they essentially claim the child as property and back their decisions with the guarantee of force or imprisonment.
    When a parent births a child, or becomes a guardian of that child, they enter into an implicit contract with that child. The implicit contract is that they will care for the child while assuming some decision making for that child in return.
    The state never offers an implicit contract, and one cannot enter into an implicit contract with the state, because there is never a choice to opt out and people born within the region do not have a choice to enter.
  2. Anyone who argues that is just dumb. It's obvious that you don't really have a good choice except to pay taxes. The only really alternatives are to live like a homeless person or move to an anarchist country, which obviously no one wants to do. People who make that argument are the kind of people who can't recognize flaws in their own plans. They only look at the pros of a situation and never recognize the cons. There is a consequence to forcing people to pay taxes. The thing is the consequence, at least to me, seems preferable to privatizing many of our national and local services. I agree that the government shouldn't get involved in elastic items such as luxury possessions. I do however believe that the inefficiencies created by government regulated or owned business such as water and education are worth it to protect consumers from being price gouged for inelastic goods or necessities. It's very possible I'm wrong but I'm formulating that based on all the evidence I've seen and personal experience in my life, not that I'm some kind of economics expert.
  3. #83 nativetongues, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
    Before I recommended a system where kids wouldn't be mandated or compelled to go to school if their legal guardians approved of it. I understand why you would be opposed to such a system, but would you support that over the current system that we have. I get the feeling like you don't want parents to even have to go through the process of telling the schools their kids shouldn't go. If it wasn't possible to make that change would you compromise to enact a plan that is similar to mine. I feel like it balances parents rights to dictate their child's life while still ensuring that kids are going to school if their parents want them to.
  4. #84 *ColtClassic*, Oct 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
    I definitely prefer your plan to the current one.
    Parents do have an obligation to educate their children and are responsible for their development.
  5. I couldn't agree more with the last one. I feel like critical thinking is not something that comes only from school but is largely influenced by the parents. I know that if my parents didn't try to instill a desire for knowledge or taught me to always question what I was told that I would be a much dumber individual who was more tempted to take people at their word. I think without that parental influence it's very hard for even the best educator to push kids to learn or teach them how to think for themselves. I started recently tutoring kids in general chemistry at my college for credits and it amazes me how dense some of these kids are. All they want to know is how to get the answer and no matter how many times you explain that the process isn't always the same and they need to think critically about the situation they will always ask what the answer is instead of trying to understand why the answer is. These kids want the answers and they they think that they can get them without fully understanding the concepts that the questions test. None of them want to learn or do the work that it takes to understand all the material.

    I think this response stems from more than just apathy but from a lack of personal responsibility. I think kids are babied too much now a days. They're not given enough personal responsibility and they're not challenged enough by high school. In hs at least for me so much of the work that you do is spelled out by the teacher and you never have to fill in the blanks for yourself. This becomes problem because kids don't know how to relate and understand information without it being told. Even worse many kids don't even pay attention to what the teacher is saying but the couple of words on the ppt. The point is that these kids to get college and they go from not being challenged at all to being thrown in the deep end. It's gonna be hilarious when these kids fail their first test and bitch that it's too hard because they tried to take the easy way out. Apathy is so prevalent in my generation and I think a large part of that is that kids aren't challenged. Fortunately, I had a couple teachers who challenged me my senior year and it helped to prepare for my freshman year but most of these kids can't handle the switch. That is why I think high school curriculums, at least in areas where a large percent attended college, should be harder and run more like a college class to get kids prepare. That's just my .02. It amazes me how many people don't remember basic algebra when they try to take chem.

    Tl dr - highschool is a joke and doesn't prepare kids for college. Kids need to be challenged more and babied less in hs.
  6. It seems like there are a lot of things that are distractions, things/news stories that gets people's attention elsewhere

    Kind of like. "Hey watch, look at my right hand here in your face while I use my left hand to pick your pocket"
  7. It is because they are trying to teach kids everything BUT the subject matter in high school.

  8. I would ask my seven year old why he doesn't want to go to school and try to understand what is causing him to feel this way. If my kid came home one day and said he didn't want to go to school any more alarm bells would go off in my head because he loves going to his school
  9. Idk 270 days seems like a nice thing, good idea, let the kids learn about what kind of jobs are out there and what people do

  10. The
    If you don't have any money then cant send your kid to private school, unless you can get a scholarship or a grant or know someone in the school that can find the money
    yes, it's not what you know .. it's who you know when it comes to real business. 
    even with the best knowledge and ideas you will not make it without the needed connections. 
    that said, public school is way too early to judge the outcome... at least let the kid develop and understand some basics. what you teach him at home is probably just as important.
    remember that your kid will never learn:
    - how to handle difficult situations in life
    - how to eat nutritionally well
    - how to evolve as a human being
    - how to be informed and responsible
    - how one has to question everything
    the important connections can be made later in life, but even there you are right.. those that start off in certain "social circles" are likely to have a much easier road to "riches".
    but you know this already, so help your kid to see through the b.s. and along the way you should help him to prepare for the real world not another test or exam (not to say that knowing certain things like basic math and physics will not help you down the road) 
  12. In all honesty when my grandad was at school (I'm talking about the UK mind) he had classes in beekeeping, how to look after animals, gardening ect. My dad had classes in Vehicle mechanics and logistics, and when I was at school I had classes in IT and engineering. Money on it that my kids one day will have classes in robotics and learn how to code a website in twenty minutes?

    The US is a different story in my opinion, think of it like this: A ton of schools pretty much outlaw the idea of evolution and disagree with anything science says, therefore people can't progress because they're following what was written 2000 years ago?

    The way I look at it, in primary school I was put into a class with four other people and at the age of 11 we did work that 16 year olds were doing, they didn't hold me back in anyway, they encouraged me to better myself. But yes if its a question of are the elite given a head start? Yes they can just pay whatever school fee's to the best schools without actually having any intelligence whatsoever, then they're taught how to control everyone poorer than themselves.

    So... I rambled but yeah, somewhat, but if I had actually tried in school (I gave up at 17 in favour of the military) there's no reason why I and others couldn't have gone far.

    Be happy 🐒
  13. That is a piss poor attitude to have about school.

    I'm using what I learn to make money and provide services to other people. You don't need to be condescending to people who are being productive.
  14. Thank you for the encouraging words....still don't know how I'm going to guide my kid though all those lesions....sadly when I think of his future, I makes me want to take myself to the next level somehow and get out of this circle I can't seem to get out of
    i'm going to try and paraphrase a quote:
    "a child is an opportunity from god to make things right. things that i have failed to do right, that i know are supposed to be right. now i have another chance to make him a good person, better than me, what i couldn't become". 
    it went something like that... i don't think we can ever fix ourselves or become perfect, but don't we always say "wish i knew then, what i know now".. well that's what you pass on down. or at least try to your best abilities, like our parents hopefully tried and their parent and so on and so forth... :)

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