Are mermaids real?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by untilwesoar, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Shure. A fish coukd have evolved into a mermaid over millions of years and it lives in the deep sea in relatively small numbers and rarely rises to the surfsce and kills seamen.
  2. Are you playing semantics now?!

    Fine something other than a mammal

    There is no reason to believe mammals.couldn't evolve gills again

    There is no way to prove it either way
    you are missing the point.

    You cannot back up any.of.your claims because your are claiming an absolute negative.

    Humans very well.could have evolved into an aquatic.version
    No it isn't

    You are claiming things that can't be.proven and.nothing more

    Things like "I personally think hands would be a detriment to survival"
    dude... mermaids would be DIFFERENT then people

    What part of this isn't making sense to you? OBVIOUSLY many human traits would be different in an underwater cousin, like maybe shorter webbed hands...
    Saying that doesn't true.

    You are being extremely arrogant. have done is claim a negative is true which is impossible.
    Like I said. I agree mermaids are unlikely. I just disagree that they are impossible

    Dude seriously. The ego is waaaaaaay too big.

    I can't argue with a tree

    hey man. ba-a-a-ack off. I can be a sheep all I want!
  3. Oh God Yurigadaisukida.  Youre insufferable. 
    Mamnals never had gills.  Amphibians used to though. There are some amphibious fish.
    You are right though yurigadaisukida.  It's hard for brick walls to argue with trees.
  4. Lol mermaids
  5. Semantics again

    Mammal is a current classification

    ALL mammals evolved from fish, meaning all.mammlas had and still.have the required genes for gills

  6. I have sex with mermaids.
    We have sex on the beach
  7. A merman's ejaculation can rip you appart.

    No wait. That's dolphins.

    True fact. Look it up.

  8. I use mermaid ejaculation as a topical skin ointment for psoriasis.
  9. just don't let them ejaculated inside you

  10. a lot of good points but if you can't fuck them then whats the point.  Im really going to need the OP to jump back into reality.  Go ahead and be like the sailors of antiquity and jump in the ocean to chase them.  I could use the legroom.

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