Weed Kinda Ruined My Life

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by coolchic9000, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. #1 coolchic9000, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2014
    the first time i got high i freaked out and thought that i wasn't in reality.. like i was dreaming what was going on and i spent the entire time trying to convince myself that what was happening was real and sometimes i would be like "hell yea this is real im high as sh*t" but then i'd freak again and be like "this is fake you're all fake but im real"
    it was so crazy and traumatic honestly but anyway
    since then i've smoked more but soooo much of the time is spent convincing myself i'm high because i don't want to freak out again :( i just want to have a good time you know
    and now when i dream (since i lucid dream 90% of the time) i can't tell if what's happening is real or fake!! sometimes i'll be having a dream and i'll seriously convince myself (in the dream) that i'm high and it's not until i wake up that i realize my dream wasn't reality!! it's so scary i want it to stop happening!!!
    i was thinking maybe something along the lines of inception?? you know how they all have their little item that helps them decipher dreams from reality? maybe i can get myself a little dice or necklace or bead or SOMETHING i always carry around so i know when i'm high and not asleep?? 
    please help does this happen to other people or am i insane!!!

  2. That happens to me but never when I smoke. It gets sad for me because my real life dreams are great but when I wake up and find out I just went through a whole day of fun and wake back up in my own life it makes me sad.
    If you feel weed is doing this to you then dont smoke. Simple as that.
  3. Lol stop smoking weed man.
    Sounds like it isn't for you. If it's giving you this much of an issue you should stop.
  4. Whatever caused this insanity, I can damn sure tell you it wasn't cannabis.
  5. #5 coolchic9000, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2014
    thanks but im not going to stop im going to overcome this and be hella faded 24/7 
  6. sounds like some bullshit, wheres cball at when you need him 
  7. Can't blame you for the optimism.
    And plus no one likes a quitter lol.
  8. You lucid dream 90% of the time, yet it confuses you? That's clearly not a lucid dream.
    For the sake of your clarity on the matter, lucid dreaming means you, the dreamer, is aware that you're dreaming, and are able to, if not control, at least direct the dream. There is an implicit factor of happiness, for who would willingly impose a negativity upon oneself?
    If this applies to you, you definitely have deeper problems than weed. PM me if you need to go over your deeper problems.
  9. Well then that's that then. Moving on.
  10. #10 Hello there!, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2014
    Hahahaha coolchic(minustheletterkbutOVER9000[since that was a translation error from Japanese to English of which the OP is 9000% ignorant to]) wants to be hella(niqqalolufromcali?)faded[soljaboytellem] 24/7.
    You go girl[?]!
  11. weed killed my parents and raped my sister. i'd trade places with you any day. you smoked too much weed your first time, happens to a lot of us. good luck to you in your mentality in the future. sounds like there's some challenges.
  12. oh sorry mb i meant that i just almost always have full control over myself in the dream
    idk how to pm you (i made this account just to ask this question) but i hope this was a real offer bc im interested 
  13. #13 hibodharma, Sep 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2014
    Engage Lecture Mode
    What's the first rule of being a man?
    Taking responsibility for your actions. It's like those fat people who blamed and sued McDonalds for making them fat and won $$ millions $$
    'coolchick' shit you must be a girl...hmmm carry on. tell us about your dreams
  14. i ruined my own life by smoking weed*
    Click on my username. Once that page has loaded, click 'send a message'. If you're not using Firefox, Idk what to tell you.
    Having 'full control over myself in the dream' is equivalent to 'I had a lucid dream' which is equivalent to 'I knew what I was doing during my dream'. So we're having a translation issue, in which I think you're telling me you were living in a perceived reality, which had separate rules from actual reality.
    Translation: Your dream was, to you, a reality, instead of a dream. That is not a lucid dream, or one you're fully in control of. If you were in control of it/lucid dreaming, you would be aware of the fact that you were dreaming, and that the reality you were experiencing at the time was under your explicit control.
  16. Perhaps in reality you are a troll?
  17. Or weed just brought some dark aspects of yourself into your conscious awareness, ugly stuff you don't want to see.
    When I'm coming down from the high I always get insights into my troubles and how I could of acted differently, usually more humble to avoid said problems..
    You ruined my free time by wasting it on your troll*
    Regardless, I am having fun. Almost as if I am having a lucid dream about somebody trolling about lucid dreaming.
    This shit is almost literally inception.
  19. yeah i guess its like a little less than a lucid dream they normally go like this:
    -i fall asleep and start to dream
    -my dream is very similar to reality (i rarely have unrealistic dreams) and i'm like "ok this is a dream"
    -i can control what I do and sometimes what goes on
    before i started smoking weed that's where it would end but now:
    -someone in my dream (or myself) convinces me that i just smoked weed and am not asleep
    -i can no longer control anything but myself until i wake up :(

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