One Of The Oldest Lighting Technologies Is Actually The Best

Discussion in 'Lighting' started by Master Healer, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. To all my ganja farming brothers and sisters out there,
    We are living in a time of "new light" so to say that is being shed on the industry we love so dear. With legalization for recreational use in Washington and Colorado, 2014 is a year that will go down in history as a year that the "Green Pioneers" were given the chance to finally take the great gift of mother nature and share it with their community.
    Electric bills aren't cheap these days and neither is maintaining a growing operation. I am here to share the best thing that has happened to me in my grow room since starting a few years back with a 1000W HPS. Induction Light!!!
    Induction is for the most part a fluorescent bulb that uses magnetic coils to excite the gases in the tube that make it light up. It uses very little energy to produce a spectrum of lumens that is the closer to natural day light then any other product on the market. Induction also produces very little heat, allowing for your plants to grow a little closer to the lamp compared to other bulbs, not only that but it will reduce the need for air conditioning and makes your grow room a place of tranquility rather than a sweat shop. Guaranteed to run 24 hours a day for 10 years, the lifespan of my 400W Lagoon Conservation fixture has surpassed all other fixtures I have used in the past and definetly worth the investment. In fact, I was scared off by the asking price for one of these fixtures at first, but it paid for itself by the second grow cycle and I do not want any other light. The buds that I produce with my light, from seed to smoke, is all I need to grow the medication I must have to survive. The benefits of these are countless as you will find if you get one.
    In the 1890's a man by the name of Nikola Tesla demonstrated the use of induction lamps and proclaimed them to be the future of the lighting industry. Anyone who knows anything about Nikola Tesla, knows that he was robbed of his ideas and shunned because of his motive of unlimited and free energy for all...The investment powers in control at the time of his proposals denied him because of the lack in residual income that would be generated over time. The corporate investor pigs only wanted to make their money.
    I have a few shots of my recent crop that I have attached for you all to enjoy.
    Big Thanks to Jared @ Lagoon Conservation for getting me started with my system, he is the man! I recommend anyone in need of more information on the technology or buying one of these, contact him!
    Its also kind of AWESOME that the United States Department of Energy has published an article on the benefits of Induction lighting. Check it out as a point of reference.
    Master Healer


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