Feeling A Void...no Closure.

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by GabbaGabbaHey, Sep 22, 2014.

  1. Okay so before I get into it, know that I get emotionally attached quickly but I don't let it show like a psycho.

    I met this girl like a month and some weeks ago, she was fucking amazing, we smoked and just chilled the first time we met, I ate something too, but that's for a other time.

    So now we're talking and seeing eachother all the time, she sleeps over at my place and we have crazy good sex then just cuddled the whole night and it was amazing to feel the warmth of another human like....idk.

    Anyways, about a week abd a half ago her cat ran away which sent her into a pit, I tried to show my compassion and be there for her, but not like over-barring coddling her. So she tells me I'm "annoying" her which pissed me off because I hadn't said more than like 10 words to her. So we dont talk for a few days and finally I break down and text her, and she comes at me with something like "you need to move on, I can't let someone in who's trying to pry me open, I need myself at the moment, I tend to push people I care about away and I know you wouldn't understand blah blah blah."

    I pretty much straight up told her I know it was her, I did nothing wrong to deserve this and to just do the next guy a favor and dont even get emotionally envolved with him.

    And I kinda creep on her tumblr page....I saw she's been posting like pics of her in her panties and bra and like ass hanging out..all while we were still "talking"

    She was afraid to put a label on it , that's why we weren't exclusive.

    I just need closure....im like messed up inside
  2. You will run into girls like that in life. Continue to do your thing. The wound will heal.
  3. #3 foolmelt, Sep 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2014
    Take a shit in a ziplock bag, sneak into her place and put it in the pocket of her winter coat. Closure.
  4. #4 ReturnFire333, Sep 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 22, 2014
    Speaking from experience, quips like these really stick with females and can turn them off from ever opening back up to going back with you. Usually it's best to hold your tongue with girls if you really like her, and think about what you're going to say, and the impact and ramifications it can have, because girls generally don't shrug things off like us guys do.
    However, it honestly sounds like for whatever reason she didn't want a relationship with you, and was giving you the run around stereotypical spiel. If you weren't even dating, I would not invest your feelings so deeply and look for something that develops quickly into a loving relationship.
    I would handle this by saying to myself "Damn man this didn't work out but I can do even better, we weren't even in a relationship and were only seeing eachother for a month."
    Also, having sex very early on in a relationship is often not a sign of a relationship that will last. IF you are looking for a long term relationship, get to know the person before bed. I get a feeling like you aren't sure if you are looking for long term love, or casual acquantince. The two do not go hand in hand.
    And I'm immature and unintelligent. Lol stoner forum logic.
    Forget her, girls like that are a dime a dozen. Time heals all.
  6. If this is how OP is after a month acquantince I'm actually slightly concerned for him once a multi year relationship falls through, lol... OP girls are never worth your well being, and they never constitute the entirety of your well being. Relationships are wonderful when they work, but when they don't, YOU are more important than anything.
  7. I get what you're saying guys, it's not like I was inlove with her, it's just that I put time and effort into making it work only to have it blow up in my face
  8. You may not completely be in the wrong, but it was her choice to do what shes doing.. Dont waste your time trying to get her back or creeping on her page. Just move on as if you've never met her.

    I was in a relationship for 8 years. I took that advice and only took a few months to move on. If i can do it, u can. Good luck bro

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  9. Women do some crazy shit. Dont bother trying to understand why. Life goes on

    Sent from my LGLS620 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. You'd do well to remember this advice.

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