
Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by xXganjagrower420Xx, Sep 20, 2014.

  1. So i need to germinate some seeds and this is what i did: I have a metal pot and i put down in the pot 3 single squares of paper towels and then i put warm water  on them in the bot then drained the rest of the water. then i put my seeds on the wet paper towels and added 3 more single squares of paper towels then added more water then drained the rest out. i put the cover on and put it right in front of a heater. Do you think that this will work? If so how long should i do this for? 

  2. Its pretty close to the heater. Should i just simply move it back far enough so that its still getting the heat but not too much?
  3. I personally just put a seed in a cup of water an put a a cover over the top of the cup. Then by the next day its normally ready to plant, this way ive had 100% sucess paper towel way never worked right for me
  4. keep room temp 23/75 degrees one plant on top another wet towels around seeds, try keep moist! high humid :smoke:
  5. Listen I've tried different ways and side by side conparison I truly think it's best to just plant it straight in the moving around for the seed just the perfect environment for it to sprout...(keeping soil moist but not soggy) I used to do moist paper towel in plastic bag which works great everytime but I think straight into a small pot is the best...

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