Am I Clean?

Discussion in 'General' started by BigB60, Sep 18, 2014.

  1. #1 BigB60, Sep 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2014
    Ok so I having been being drug tested in a drug diversion program because I got busted in college. I was coming back from a friends house and was going to my dorm when some kid decided to tell on me for smelling like dank. Long story short I was placed on the drug diversion program cause it was my first offence. If I complete 6 months of pissing clean its off my record. I completed 4 months but had to take a break (which was ok'd by the program) because I went home for the summer and my home town is in another state and they wouldn't allow me to take piss tests anywhere else. So i had 3 months off, I didn't smoke for the first month and a half because i was working all the time. But for the last month and a half I said fuck it and smoked. I smoked probably around an ounce or 3 quarters in 3 weeks with my homies and decided to stop to start getting clean in time for when it the program started back up again with school. So I stopped for 2 weeks and then got drunk and said fuck it again and only bought a gram and my friend had a half a gram so we smoked it on a sunday and monday cause I didn't want to do that much. Ever since then I stopped. Its been 5 weeks since the monday I smoked (about 35 days) would you say that if I tested today I would be clean? I am 6'1" and 230 pounds. I have a slower metabolism but have been dieting over the summer, been eating healthy, and have been drinking plenty of water (No junk food or soda). I'm just curious because I know I will have a test tomorrow or by the next day. Thanks for reading.
  2. 35 days without smoking for a 220lb man.. It would be close. The general rule is 30 days but obviously that varies depending on body fat and weight and lifestyle factors.. anyways, Goodluck! :smoke: 
  3. Ur good man Jesus Christ it's not a fucking disease that sticks to your organs it's like a sludge that works through your lungs into your blood and out of your body in 2 weeks on a 1 time smoke

    Guarantee Ur clean and if Ur not then u can call me a liar
  4. actually it can be a very long time......2-5x daily use, and a 220lb man, i'd say about a month....
    i'd say this because it took me 3 months to test clean once when i was using very heavily... i'm 5'10 180

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