Munchies Problem

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Mr.Macky, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. Hey guys

    So i'm having this little problem where i love to go to the gym and eat healthy, but i also love getting high as fuark. I don't really mind about the damage to my lungs all that much, but the munchies are always what gets me!

    anyone got any healthy-ish snacks that are fairly easy to whip up? Just can't handle those regrets the next morning -_-

    thanks everyone

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  2. Fruit man. Fruit is amazing.

    --Ride the tiger, you can see his stripes but you know he's clean!--
  3. I have the same problem. Always trying to eat healthy but I can't avoid eat something while high.
    Might try eating more fruit.
    Drinking water instead of eating also helps sometimes.
  4. fruit salad + cottonmouth
  5. #6 well highdrated, Apr 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 30, 2015
    as others said, eat good food. 
    ripe pineapple or watermelon .. is there anything better for munchies?
    one problem with many fruits that you buy in the super market is that they have no f'ing taste... try visiting a local farmer's market if you can and sample some fresh fruits there... what a difference. it's one thing to eat something that's been sitting in storage and transported from the farm for the last two weeks (plus picked before truly ripe)... and something that's freshly picked from a tree and brought to you the same or next day.
  6. I like to eat either pistachios or dark chocolate covered almonds. I don't get the munchies often, I'm good at putting it out of my mind.

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