God, Aliens, Or Chuck Norris?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by ddunn3, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. I was raised in a very religious family but I grew away from it and now me being the stoned stoner I am start to think what do we actualy now for fact about god .. The answer is not jack shit we believe a book written by many ppl over time. It's just like one big game of telephone and we all know what happens at the end of the game the phrase is just a cluster fuck of nonsense so you tell me is god real or do aliens watch us from a far and some place closer or is Chuck Norris the almighty one ruling us from the clouds.

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  2. It's great when people first open their eyes, do not basque in the new lenses you now have. Keep the search on, always.
  3. Never ask others what to believe, follow your own research, internal answers, an find your own path man. No need to label yourself a Christian or Buddhist or whatever. Believe what's right to you.

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  4. If you don't give a shit, it won't bother you  :)
  5. Exactly because it doesn't even matter

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  6. I believe that Bruce Lee is god and Chuck Norris is his messiah.

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