Weed And Moderate Alcohol

Discussion in 'General' started by Thejourney318, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. So, back in the day I used to drink a lot. Not as in all the time, though somewhat frequently, but moreso whenever I drank I would drink a ridiculous amount to the point that I would be absolutely hammered and just have like no self-control. Over time I began smoking weed more and more, until eventually I just absolutely preferred it to alcohol and basically stopped drinking.
    Recently I decided to give some moderate drinking with friends a try. I liked it alright, I saw how it loosened me up and made me have more fun. Then later I would smoke weed, and to be honest I really like the way the combo feels. A moderate amount of alcohol mind you, enough to make you feel kinda relaxed and good, but not like really drunk. Then smoke as much as you want, and yea it feels pretty great. Now, I am often a 'serious' thinker, particularly in terms of philosophy/spirituality. I find that if I drink alcohol, I'm pretty much not gonna be thinking about that kind of stuff. So I just do the combo when I'm comfortable with just relaxing and having a nice time. Just a cool new thing for me, cuz I basically didn't drink forever, and didn't smoke so much when I was drinking, and have had pretty negative thoughts towards alcohol. But this moderate alcohol with weed thing...I like...


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