Make The Most Of Your High

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by The_Stoner_Boner69, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Does anybody else hate getting stoned and then instead of enjoying your high, you just fall asleep? I always stay productive when lifted. Anybody else feel like this? Plus give some tips on how to make the most of your high.
  2. I tend to eat before getting high, have good chill music on, plenty of cold drinks, and basically enjoy my high that way.
  3. It's really the worst, but the sleep is sooo good. I always wake up feeling hella relaxed. As long as I stay out of bed/don't lay down on the couch I'm usually good.

    I hate smoking before work because I feel like it's a waste but is probably curse my coworkers out if didn't.

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  4. I like sleeping while high, but I prefer to go out and do something. Usually go for a skate to get munchies or go to the skate bowls right near me. If its a bad day then I will probably chuck a movie on and just relax and rest.
  5. #5 Grendelking, Sep 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2014
    <sup><sup>I used to ride my bicycle on a bike path and sometimes in the woods. I wouldn't smoke before leaving the house. I'd have my joint and my lighter and I'd ride my bike on the path until I found a cool spot where no one could see me. Then I would sit somewhere and smoke. I had a deer family about fifty feet away from me once. It was so cool. They were as surprised to see me as I was surprised to see them. Then I get on my bicycle and ride some more. I feel the same way about falling asleep and wasting my high. That's why, when I'm on vacation or on my days off, I would wake and bake and spend the rest of the day smoking. I would do other things of course...mow the lawn, wash the car...etc. But, I would try to do those things as quickly as possible, so that I could go smoke some more. :smoking: </sup></sup>
  6. I like to have some sort of nutrition either before or after smoking,
    looking forward to blazing up so that I go into that high in a positive good mood,
    good music is always nice to have and some sort of entertainment when blazed. I enjoy watching tv, drawing, writing, gaming, thinking, etc.
    and lastly I make sure I have at least 3 hours before my target "bed time" so I have time to wind down and get ready for sleep.
    Stay faded :smoking:

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