Got Robbed Of 145, Should I Get Revenge?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ryanwinston27, Sep 16, 2014.

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  1. I've known this guy for around 6-7 months; I used to pick up from him regularly, maybe once or twice a week. I'd pick up eighths and quarters and he'd always throw in a few extra grams...

    So I recently hit him up asking for a half, he says $145 and I agree to it. He was acting completely normal except for telling me he was recently robbed of an OZ at gunpoint. As stated before, I picked up from this dude a lot, he always had the best bud. I meet him and his friend at the usual spot with my backpack on (brand new bong was inside). I usually smoke with him so I can see what I'm buying before I give him the money. So we go behind this storage place and they tell me to take my bong out so we can smoke a bowl or two. So I can see the bud in his pocket and he asks to see the money so he can count it out. He'd never ripped me off before and I kind of thought well he has the bud he's not gonna rip me off.

    His friend is holding my bong, which we were going to smoke from. He proceeds to say "You just got robbed." I have a look of panic on my face to which he replies "Nah I'm fucking with you. Did you see his reaction?!" So I'm like where's my bud. He says "No but for real you just got robbed. I'm in a bad situation because I can't fight him, I have my backpack on the ground from when his friend removed the bong. My backpack had about $1,000 worth of electronics in it at the time plus my $750 phone, so I wasn't gonna risk going after him for my $145 just so his friend could snatch it and run away.

    Long story short they decided to give my bong back but took my $145, plus he blocked me on Facebook... my girlfriend knows about 15 people who will jump this guy if we decide to tell them to. Problem is he's friends with somebody who knows where I live. Should I set up a fake deal with someone neither the dealer or our mutual friend knows and have this fucker jumped, or just leave it as is.
  2. He blocked you on Facebook ? Man !! That just makes my blood boil. Argh !! :mad:  :mad: :mad:  
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  3. You should search for Got Robbed threads.\\
    Notice the amount of hidden posts that promoted violence. We do not condone discussions of violence and it usually only compounds the problem.
    Perhaps spread the word about what a low life piece of shit he is.
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