Libertarian- Consumer-To-Consumer Market

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by freemarketmarijuana, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Currently, I do not believe in committing to any legal activism. I want to generate discussion about an idea that I want to develop: a consumer-to-consumer market for private citizens to exercise their right to grow marijuana, and benefit with profits from the work. While some rejoice in more governmental oversight and artificially structured markets that favor those with more profits, I wish to begin the blueprints of a grassroots consumer collective. Or perhaps a deliverer/broker for consumers with extra homegrown. The internet has introduced an era of decentralization, a dismantling of the middle-man, so let it continue. Any suggested developments or concerns? 

  2. So like a farmer's market for weed? That could be done in Colorado. If you are allowed to grow it, then you should be allowed to sell the extra you have. Its sad that Cannabis is still looked down upon like it is after so many years of lies and false scientific claims. The state of this country is in bad shape. It will take us working the ballot boxes like crazy to make the change and if that doesn't work we will eventually( and unfortunately) have to start voting with the bullet box if nothing changes. Politcian's are no longer representing us as a nation and it needs to stop. Any time a politicain speaks, look at who is paying them and you will see the true intention of said politician.
  3. I don't think we will see the full potential of cannabis until the gov allows a true free market with this plant.
    Here is what I think a true "free market marijuana" would look like.
    Absolute freedom to grow, determine how many plants is considered commercial, any plant count under that is personal.
    Personal is can smoke, give to friends or even sell it, like you can with roadside tomatoes or eggs etc. 
    Commercial amounts of plants you get a permit from your State Agriculture Dept. just like you would to grow commercial amounts of corn, tomatoes, wheat, etc. Then this would be sold to commercial processors or wholesalers etc. This should not be an expensive fee either, on par with other agriculture permits...this would cover hemp and/or smokable cannabis, indoor or outdoor.
    Then commercially sold smokable products would have and age limit to buy in retail shops.
    We do not the the gov "regulating" this plant any more than tomatoes or alcohol...period.  
    I believe this kind of market would change this country for better and in a big way. 
    Here is a excellent video just covering hemp for fuel...there is also medicine, fiber, food, personal smoke.
    Stay Lifted
  4. once cannabis goes mainstream expect it to end up just like soy grown with every toxic grow aid imaginable and more added on top of that as time goes on just like doctors treat patients adding more drugs to fix where the previous drugs screwed up and that will go on forever if people let it until they die and the doctor has all their money by that time- good for the doctors!! - they are now richer from your dis-ease at the end of your life.
    honestly, any thoughts of adding a price ($$) to cannabis are not really good thoughts and will end the same as every other object that is sold and bartered in society with profit over all else as the driving factor. take the profit margins out and you will see the true beauty of the cannabis plant and potential for what it is just as everything else that grows freely upon the land.

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