World Of Opposites?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by freethinker, Sep 11, 2014.

  1. Ego/division/satan is necessary in this physical world of duality. Without ego showing the separation, how would we ever know what wholeness/oneness/God is?  You can never know what darkness is without the existence of light and vice versa.  You wouldn't know what hot was if cold didn't exist as it's opposite.  A beautiful flower wouldn't be so if it weren't for the mud beneath it. 
    In order to know oneness, you must also know duality.  In order to observe duality, a non-dual observer must be present to do the observing..  This dual physical reality is constantly changing and in flux, therefore, there must be a non-physical observer that's unchanging and always a constant doing the observing…think deeply about what I'm trying to get you to understand and your deepest sense of your 'being'.  This observer I'm pointing to is the same observer that's been with you from when you were 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, ect.. years old.  The body has changed, but the one observing has never changed. 
    Know this unchanging constant, and you will know truth.  “Know Thyself”
    “People are generally better persuaded by the reasons which they have themselves discovered than by those which have come into the mind of others.” -Blaise Pascal, Pensées
    “The kingdom of heaven is within” -Jesus

  2. I literally thought of making a thread about this world and titling in how else could it be (some shit like that). This is pretty well in line with what I would have I would add however,

    How else could it be if not like this? We live in a constant now-ness, bound by physical laws, where Conscious beings roam and yet seemingly have free will while remembering the past and being able to predict (within reason) the future. Less conscious beings wander around us, everything seems to come from and stay within the earth. It is a self sustaining organism which is balanced enough on an astrological level and atmospheric/geographic state so as to accompany life. Balance on all levels seems to be the key. Duality we live in, yet balance has brought us here. Maybe we too are to balance ourselves? The world seems infinite on the outside, observable and manipulitable. What is then the relationship you have with the inner??
  3. I must be broken, because 'my observer' has changed a lot throughout my life, and I believe there's more to come.
    The observer doesn't change, the frames do.
  5. There's something within us that doesn't identify itself with...your name, tendencies, beliefs, etc. It is your bridge to the truth, one = all. Everything has it's place and it cannot be whole without it.

    I dunno where religion muffled into the simplicity of this lol
  7. The beauty is all of your own perception. No one else needs to know or even care. To think someone else is watching is a delusion or self induced paranoia instilled through social programming and indoctrination. Enjoy each day since you have one life, make the most of it. Do not go ISIS on us.
    I was atheist for 5 years bro, I completely understand your line of thinking and I empathize.  I'm a huge Sam Harris fan...and I absolutely love his new book, you should really check it out. 
    What I'm attempting to point to is the obviousness and awakeness your looking past in your everyday experience, your obvious existence if you will.  However, words are just pointers, and there would be no way for me to produce it for you. 
    I'm perfectly sane and hold several degrees with a good job and I'm a good father to my child.  To label me with a mental illness is dismissive and severely misguided from my perspective.  I can't debate a pure materialist nor will I attempt to.  Much love to you on your journey.   

  9. what up?
    seeking is an interesting endeavor... its doomed from the get go. (nothing to gain.. everything to lose) hehe
    anyhoo, weed is my second passion. ;-)
    I've put Denver on my bucket list, just gotta visit an apothecary at least once. ;-) 
    know any appropriate 'spiritual strains'?
    (which is likely a split mind nonsense, but whatever...)
  10. #11 ChristopherABrown, Nov 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2014
    I think I get your point.  But I would not start where you did to illustrate or describe it.

    I would start with the "oneness", because presumably, that is where we all began and will go.  Ancients define it as a realm of intention.

    To use ancient terms, as you do partially, I would place the Ego adjacent to the Id.  The Id is fairly effectively the unconscious mind.  Something unfathomable if we could see it, and we cannot.  Probably a good thing because its impression in totality could cause catatonia.

    With that, we are stuck with our conscious waking state, only 2/3 of our life.  The other 1/3 is completely unconscious.  A great deal there could actually cause conditional exceptions to what we know from the waking state.  I suspect non personal/emotion dissociation is imposed from that which steers us around invisibly throughout our waking life.  Therein the observer would find its limits.

    The Ego, probably a self appreciating and Id connected aspect of the cognitive mind, would conceptually devise the observer as a tool hopefully engaging limited view into the unconscious.  Seems the observer that has been in use throughout life, would or could be altered by each nights sleep state according to the effects of the oneness.  Of course upon awakening, the Ego is not going to have much evidence of any change other than a feeling which is different from the one it recalls from the day before, which may or may not be appreciable in a cognitively definable way.

    In culmination, yes, knowing that unchanging constant of your unconscious, separate from the effects of the oneness, the effects of the collective unconscious through each nights submersion, is knowing "thyself".
    I've created some graphics to illustrate the relationships of the conscious and unconscious with the potentials of the collective unconscious as it relates to dream or sleep states.  These essentially. within the theoretical structure we discuss, would be the product of "my observer", which is the reason I commented.

  11. What changed? What made you go back to religion?
    I'm kind of an atheist myself. I'm not looking to rejoin religion or anything (I was Roman Catholic) but I am very curious as to what changed your mind. I have been an atheist since I was about 16 I think and the degree of certainty I feel with my beliefs now feel infinitely more strong than my faith in Christianity. Before then, I was super devout and absolutely convinced of it all, but when I lost my faith, it felt even more convincing so I can't understand how anyone could go back.
  12. Nah man, I don't know any spiritual strains lol.  Apothacary is nice though, as is "Pure" and "the clinic" .  .. I moved though.  i live in New Mexico now. 
  13. I never went back to religion...organized religion is a joke and is actually a diversion to seeing the truth of things.
    I was reading philosophical and atheist books and came across an author who tried Vipassana meditation and how it benefited his life tremendously, so I decided to give it a try.  The very first time I did the meditation I saw the truth..  it was an amazing experience of pure bliss that lasted months..  I still get glimpses from time to time, but nothing as powerful as the original 'seeing' of what reality actually is.  It's still an unfolding process that happens, it's like continual deepening of what I saw revealing itself in different ways over time. 
    Meditation is the key, it provides you with a quiet mind so that all that nonsensical mind chatter (ego) ceases and real understanding can take place.     

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